WIP: Deduplicate threads on Newest forum tab

Noah Petherbridge 2024-02-14 21:38:20 -08:00
parent 7ceb14053b
commit 3c0473c633
4 changed files with 84 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -14,6 +14,11 @@ import (
func Newest() http.HandlerFunc {
tmpl := templates.Must("forum/newest.html")
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Query parameters.
var (
allComments = r.FormValue("all") == "true"
// Get the current user.
currentUser, err := session.CurrentUser(r)
if err != nil {
@ -29,7 +34,7 @@ func Newest() http.HandlerFunc {
posts, err := models.PaginateRecentPosts(currentUser, config.ForumCategories, pager)
posts, err := models.PaginateRecentPosts(currentUser, config.ForumCategories, allComments, pager)
if err != nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Couldn't paginate forums: %s", err)
templates.Redirect(w, "/")
@ -50,6 +55,7 @@ func Newest() http.HandlerFunc {
"Pager": pager,
"RecentPosts": posts,
"PhotoMap": photos,
"AllComments": allComments,
if err := tmpl.Execute(w, r, vars); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)

View File

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
package models
import (
@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ type RecentPost struct {
// PaginateRecentPosts returns all of the comments on a forum paginated.
func PaginateRecentPosts(user *User, categories []string, pager *Pagination) ([]*RecentPost, error) {
func PaginateRecentPosts(user *User, categories []string, allComments bool, pager *Pagination) ([]*RecentPost, error) {
var (
result = []*RecentPost{}
query = (&Comment{}).Preload()
@ -65,24 +67,73 @@ func PaginateRecentPosts(user *User, categories []string, pager *Pagination) ([]
CommentID uint64
ThreadID *uint64
ForumID *uint64
UpdatedAt time.Time
var scan []scanner
query = DB.Table("comments").Select(
`comments.id AS comment_id,
threads.id AS thread_id,
forums.id AS forum_id`,
"LEFT OUTER JOIN threads ON (table_name = 'threads' AND table_id = threads.id)",
"LEFT OUTER JOIN forums ON (threads.forum_id = forums.id)",
strings.Join(wheres, " AND "),
).Order("comments.updated_at desc")
// Deduplicate forum threads: if one thread is BLOWING UP with replies, we should only
// mention the thread once and show the newest comment so it doesn't spam the whole page.
if config.Current.Database.IsPostgres && !allComments {
// Deduplicating is supported in Postgres but not SQLite. We also need a custom
// total count query which is 99% the same as the select query except for the
// SELECT and ORDER BY bookends.
subquery := fmt.Sprintf(`
comments.id AS comment_id,
threads.id AS thread_id,
forums.id AS forum_id,
comments.updated_at AS updated_at
FROM comments
LEFT OUTER JOIN threads ON (table_name='threads' AND table_id=threads.id)
LEFT OUTER JOIN forums ON (threads.forum_id=forums.id)
ORDER BY threads.id
) AS subquery
`, strings.Join(wheres, " AND "))
query = DB.Raw(fmt.Sprintf(`
SELECT comment_id, thread_id, forum_id, updated_at
ORDER BY subquery.updated_at DESC
`, subquery, pager.GetOffset(), pager.PerPage), placeholders...)
// Get a count of records.
DB.Raw(fmt.Sprintf("SELECT count(*) %s", subquery), placeholders...).Count(&pager.Total)
query = query.Find(&scan)
if query.Error != nil {
return nil, query.Error
} else {
// SQLite/non-Postgres doesn't support DISTINCT ON, this is the old query which
// shows objectively all comments and a popular thread may dominate the page.
query = DB.Table("comments").Select(
`comments.id AS comment_id,
threads.id AS thread_id,
forums.id AS forum_id,
comments.updated_at AS updated_at`,
"LEFT OUTER JOIN threads ON (table_name = 'threads' AND table_id = threads.id)",
"LEFT OUTER JOIN forums ON (threads.forum_id = forums.id)",
strings.Join(wheres, " AND "),
).Order("comments.updated_at desc")
// Execute the query.
query = query.Offset(pager.GetOffset()).Limit(pager.PerPage).Find(&scan)
if query.Error != nil {
return nil, query.Error
// Get the total for the pager and scan the page of ID sets.
query = query.Offset(pager.GetOffset()).Limit(pager.PerPage).Find(&scan)
// query.Model(&Comment{}).Count(&pager.Total)
// query = query.Offset(pager.GetOffset()).Limit(pager.PerPage).Find(&scan)
if query.Error != nil {
return nil, query.Error

View File

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
On the
<a href="/members"><strong><i class="fa fa-comments mr-1"></i> Forums</strong></a>
<a href="/f/circle"><strong><i class="fa fa-comments mr-1"></i> Forums</strong></a>
you can access exclusive inner circle-only boards.

View File

@ -39,7 +39,16 @@
<div class="p-4">
Found {{FormatNumberCommas .Pager.Total}} posts (page {{.Pager.Page}} of {{.Pager.Pages}})
Found {{FormatNumberCommas .Pager.Total}} {{if .AllComments}}posts{{else}}threads{{end}} (page {{.Pager.Page}} of {{.Pager.Pages}})
<div class="mt-2">
{{if not .AllComments}}
<!-- Default view is to deduplicate and show only threads and their newest comment -->
Showing only the latest comment per thread. <a href="?{{QueryPlus "all" "true"}}">Show all comments instead?</a>
Showing <strong>all</strong> forum posts by most recent. <a href="{{.Request.URL.Path}}">Deduplicate by thread?</a>
<div class="p-4">