* If a Certified member deletes the final picture from their gallery page, their
Certification Photo will be automatically rejected and they are instructed to
begin the process again from the beginning.
* Add nice Alert and Confirm modals around the website in place of the standard
browser feature. Note: the inline confirm on submit buttons are still using
the standard feature for now, as intercepting submit buttons named "intent"
causes problems in getting the final form to submit.
* Fix a bug where explicit GIF videos weren't blurring when the user
wanted them to be blurred.
* Make some improvements to the forums:
* Polls will now remember the Expires setting while you are previewing
and revising your original post.
* Add 14 day and 30 day Expire options for polls.
* Add disclaimer warnings above the Photo Attachment field when the
current forum or thread isn't marked for Explicit content.
* Move the forum box colors into dedicated styles that are easier to
override for the new theme colors.
* Updated the themes so forums and comment thread background cards now
match your chosen style.
* Add yellow and orange theme variants.
* On Forums and photo comment threads: display the poster's username
below their display name, if their username differs. If they do not
have a distinct display name, a small @ appears in front of their
display name instead.
* On Quote & Reply, wrap the @mention with a Markdown hyperlink to the
specific comment ID.
For video elements (animated GIFs), since the 'click' for lightbox modal
doesn't work, mouseover and play/pause count as views. This can unfairly
lead videos to climb as the most viewed images while pictures need a
click or a 'like' to count.
So, count images as viewed on their mouseover event as well.
* Add a user privacy setting so they can gate who is allowed to share private
photos with them (for people who dislike unsolicited shares):
* Anybody (default)
* Friends only
* Friends + people whom they have sent a DM to (on the main website)
* Nobody
* Add gating around whether to display the prompt to unlock your private photos
while you are viewing somebody's gallery:
* The current user needs at least one private photo to share.
* The target user's new privacy preference is taken into consideration.
* The "should show private photo share prompt" logic is also used on the actual
share page, e.g. for people who manually paste in a username to share with.
You can not grant access to private photos which don't exist.
* Improve the UI on the private photo shares page.
* Profile cards to add elements from the Member Directory page, such as a
Friends and Liked indicator.
* A count of the user's Private photos is shown, which links directly to
their private gallery.
* Add "Decline" buttons to the Shared With Me page: so the target of a private
photo share is able to remove/cancel shares with them.
Certification Required page:
* Show helpful advice if the reason for the page is only that the user had
deleted their default profile pic, but their account was certified.
Batch Photo Delete & Visibility:
* On user galleries, owners and admins can batch Delete or Set Visibility on
many photos at once. Checkboxes appear in the edit/delete row of each photo,
and bulk actions appear at the bottom of the page along with select/unselect
all boxes.
* Deprecated the old /photo/delete endpoint: it now redirects to the batch
delete page with the one photo ID.
Misc Changes:
* Notifications now sort unread to the top always.
* Add 'admin labels' to photos so an admin can classify a photo as:
* Not Explicit: e.g. it was flagged by the community but does not
actually need to be explicit. This option will hide the prompt to
report the explicit photo again.
* Force Explicit: if a user is fighting an explicit flag and keeps
removing it from their photo, the photo can be force marked
* Admin labels appear on the Permalink page and in the edit photo
settings when viewed as a photo moderator admin.
When a user marks that another photo should have been marked as explicit:
* The owner of that photo gets a notification about it, which reminds them of
the explicit photo policy.
* The photo's "Flagged" boolean is set (along with the Explicit boolean)
* The 'Edit' page on a Flagged photo shows a red banner above the Explicit
option, explaining that it was flagged. The checkbox text is crossed-out,
with a "no" cursor and title text over - but can still be unchecked.
If the user removes the Explicit flag on a flagged photo and saves it:
* An admin report is generated to notify to take a look too.
* The Explicit flag is cleared as normal
* The Flagged boolean is also cleared on this photo: if they set it back to
Explicit again themselves, the red banner won't appear and it won't notify
again - unless a community member flagged it again!
Also makes some improvements to the admin page:
* On photo reports: show a blurred-out (clickable to reveal) photo on feedback
items about photos.
* Profile pictures on profile pages now link to the gallery when clicked.
* Admins can no longer automatically see the default profile pic on profile
pages unless they have photo moderator ability.
* Photo view counts are not added when an admin with photo moderator ability
should not have otherwise been able to see the photo.
* The owner of a photo no longer counts any views on it.
* Add event handlers to mark animated GIFs viewed on the gallery page:
if the user mouse overs or pauses the video.
* Inner circle: users have the ability to remove themselves and can avoid being
invited again in the future.
* Admin actions: add a "Reset Password" ability to user accounts.
* Admin "Create New User" page.
* Rate limit error handling improvements for the login page.
* Add an Admin Certification Photo workflow where we can request the user to
upload a secondary form of ID (government issued photo ID showing their
face and date of birth).
* An admin rejection option can request secondary photo ID.
* It sends a distinct e-mail to the user apart from the regular rejection email
* It flags their cert photo as "Secondary Needed" forever: even if the user
removes their cert photo and starts from scratch, it will immediately request
secondary ID when uploading a new primary photo.
* Secondary photos are deleted from the server on both Approve and Reject by
the admin account, for user privacy.
* If approved, a Secondary Approved=true boolean is stored in the database. This
boolean is set to False if the user deletes their cert photo in the future.
* Dark theme fixes to brighten notification colors on mobile
* Add change log buttons around various pages to easily look into the history
of an object in the database:
* User profile page ('about user' and user table history links)
* User friends page
* User/Site gallery page (history of all (user) photos)
* Admin insights page (comments, threads, and blocklist history)
* Admin certification page (history of a user's cert photos)
* Comment history buttons on forums and photos
* On the "Certification Required" error page: show help text under the
checklist to make it clear that clicking the checklist item will link
to the profile photo or cert photo upload page.
* Add more helpful text around the site to address common confusion:
* On the Photo Upload page for profile_pic and the user is already at
quota: add special text saying they can use an existing gallery
photo as their profile pic instead.
* On the self Gallery view page: if the user has no profile pic
currently set, offer advice and links on how to set one.
* Fix the image max-width on Gallery lightbox modals
* Add an Alt Text field for users to describe their photos for accessibility.
* Alt texts appear on mouse over on Gallery pages, in the lightbox modal (on
mouse over or by clicking the ALT button that appears), and in a box on the
permalink page below the photo caption.
* Max length of Alt Text is 5,000 characters.
* Fix a bug with the right-click blocker not working on the lightbox modal.