* If a Certified member deletes the final picture from their gallery page, their
Certification Photo will be automatically rejected and they are instructed to
begin the process again from the beginning.
* Add nice Alert and Confirm modals around the website in place of the standard
browser feature. Note: the inline confirm on submit buttons are still using
the standard feature for now, as intercepting submit buttons named "intent"
causes problems in getting the final form to submit.
* Fix a bug where explicit GIF videos weren't blurring when the user
wanted them to be blurred.
* Make some improvements to the forums:
* Polls will now remember the Expires setting while you are previewing
and revising your original post.
* Add 14 day and 30 day Expire options for polls.
* Add disclaimer warnings above the Photo Attachment field when the
current forum or thread isn't marked for Explicit content.
For video elements (animated GIFs), since the 'click' for lightbox modal
doesn't work, mouseover and play/pause count as views. This can unfairly
lead videos to climb as the most viewed images while pictures need a
click or a 'like' to count.
So, count images as viewed on their mouseover event as well.
* Add a user privacy setting so they can gate who is allowed to share private
photos with them (for people who dislike unsolicited shares):
* Anybody (default)
* Friends only
* Friends + people whom they have sent a DM to (on the main website)
* Nobody
* Add gating around whether to display the prompt to unlock your private photos
while you are viewing somebody's gallery:
* The current user needs at least one private photo to share.
* The target user's new privacy preference is taken into consideration.
* The "should show private photo share prompt" logic is also used on the actual
share page, e.g. for people who manually paste in a username to share with.
You can not grant access to private photos which don't exist.
* Improve the UI on the private photo shares page.
* Profile cards to add elements from the Member Directory page, such as a
Friends and Liked indicator.
* A count of the user's Private photos is shown, which links directly to
their private gallery.
* Add "Decline" buttons to the Shared With Me page: so the target of a private
photo share is able to remove/cancel shares with them.
Certification Required page:
* Show helpful advice if the reason for the page is only that the user had
deleted their default profile pic, but their account was certified.
Batch Photo Delete & Visibility:
* On user galleries, owners and admins can batch Delete or Set Visibility on
many photos at once. Checkboxes appear in the edit/delete row of each photo,
and bulk actions appear at the bottom of the page along with select/unselect
all boxes.
* Deprecated the old /photo/delete endpoint: it now redirects to the batch
delete page with the one photo ID.
Misc Changes:
* Notifications now sort unread to the top always.
* Add 'admin labels' to photos so an admin can classify a photo as:
* Not Explicit: e.g. it was flagged by the community but does not
actually need to be explicit. This option will hide the prompt to
report the explicit photo again.
* Force Explicit: if a user is fighting an explicit flag and keeps
removing it from their photo, the photo can be force marked
* Admin labels appear on the Permalink page and in the edit photo
settings when viewed as a photo moderator admin.
* Profile pictures on profile pages now link to the gallery when clicked.
* Admins can no longer automatically see the default profile pic on profile
pages unless they have photo moderator ability.
* Photo view counts are not added when an admin with photo moderator ability
should not have otherwise been able to see the photo.
* The owner of a photo no longer counts any views on it.
* Add event handlers to mark animated GIFs viewed on the gallery page:
if the user mouse overs or pauses the video.
* Inner circle: users have the ability to remove themselves and can avoid being
invited again in the future.
* Admin actions: add a "Reset Password" ability to user accounts.
* Admin "Create New User" page.
* Rate limit error handling improvements for the login page.
* Dark theme fixes to brighten notification colors on mobile
* Add change log buttons around various pages to easily look into the history
of an object in the database:
* User profile page ('about user' and user table history links)
* User friends page
* User/Site gallery page (history of all (user) photos)
* Admin insights page (comments, threads, and blocklist history)
* Admin certification page (history of a user's cert photos)
* Comment history buttons on forums and photos
* On the "Certification Required" error page: show help text under the
checklist to make it clear that clicking the checklist item will link
to the profile photo or cert photo upload page.
* Add more helpful text around the site to address common confusion:
* On the Photo Upload page for profile_pic and the user is already at
quota: add special text saying they can use an existing gallery
photo as their profile pic instead.
* On the self Gallery view page: if the user has no profile pic
currently set, offer advice and links on how to set one.
* Fix the image max-width on Gallery lightbox modals
* Add an Alt Text field for users to describe their photos for accessibility.
* Alt texts appear on mouse over on Gallery pages, in the lightbox modal (on
mouse over or by clicking the ALT button that appears), and in a box on the
permalink page below the photo caption.
* Max length of Alt Text is 5,000 characters.
* Fix a bug with the right-click blocker not working on the lightbox modal.
* On a user gallery page: if the current user can not see their default
profile pic (friends-only or private), include a notice and link to
the FAQ about this.
* Add a new placeholder avatar for profile pics that are set to
"Inner circle only" when viewed by members outside the circle.
* Add a Search page to the forums to filter by user ID and find threads and
replies matching your search terms, with "quoted phrases" and -negation
* On user profile pages, add an "Activity" box showing statistics on their
forum threads/comments, likes given/received, photo counts, etc.
* On the "Newest" and Search page for Forums: show an indicator whenever a
post includes an attached photo.
* Add a way for users to temporarily deactivate their accounts, in a
recoverable way should they decide to return later.
* A deactivated account may log in but have limited options: to
reactivate their account, permanently delete it, or log out.
* Fix several bugs around the display of comments, messages and
forum threads for disabled, banned, or blocked users:
* Messages (inbox and sentbox) will be hidden and the unread indicator
will not count unread messages the user can't access.
* Comments on photos and forum posts are hidden, and top-level threads
on the "Newest" tab will show "[unavailable]" for their text and
* Your historical notifications will hide users who are blocked, banned
or disabled.
* Add a "Friends" tab to user profile pages, to see other users' friends.
* The page is Certification Required so non-cert users can't easily
discover any members on the site.