* Breadcrumbs: override Bulma's nowrap style, as long forum thread
titles could cause horizontal scrolling on mobile.
* Dashboard: fix double <a> tag wrapping for profile pictures.
* Member Search: fix invalid HTML code where div tags closed the
wrapping p tag.
When a user marks that another photo should have been marked as explicit:
* The owner of that photo gets a notification about it, which reminds them of
the explicit photo policy.
* The photo's "Flagged" boolean is set (along with the Explicit boolean)
* The 'Edit' page on a Flagged photo shows a red banner above the Explicit
option, explaining that it was flagged. The checkbox text is crossed-out,
with a "no" cursor and title text over - but can still be unchecked.
If the user removes the Explicit flag on a flagged photo and saves it:
* An admin report is generated to notify to take a look too.
* The Explicit flag is cleared as normal
* The Flagged boolean is also cleared on this photo: if they set it back to
Explicit again themselves, the red banner won't appear and it won't notify
again - unless a community member flagged it again!
Also makes some improvements to the admin page:
* On photo reports: show a blurred-out (clickable to reveal) photo on feedback
items about photos.
* Add a "Report" link to the footer of forums.
* Allow some non-admin users to view a private forum and its threads.
* Moderators and approved followers can see it
* Note: the endpoint to follow a forum won't let a user invite themselves
to a private forum. Currently there is no way to approve a user except
by also adding them as a moderator.
* Explore and Newest tabs can show these private forums if viewable.
* The "Newest" tab of the forum is updated with new filter options.
* Which forums: All, Official, Community, My List
* Show: By threads, All posts
* The option for "Which forums" is saved in the user's preferences and set as
their default on future visits, similar to the Site Gallery "Whose photos"
* So users can subscribe to their favorite forums and always get their latest
posts easily while filtering out the rest.
* Forum Moderators
* Add the ability to add and remove moderators for your forum.
* Users are notified when they are added as a moderator.
* Moderators can opt themselves out by unfollowing the forum.
* ForumMembership: add unique constraint on user_id,forum_id.
* Add an Admin Certification Photo workflow where we can request the user to
upload a secondary form of ID (government issued photo ID showing their
face and date of birth).
* An admin rejection option can request secondary photo ID.
* It sends a distinct e-mail to the user apart from the regular rejection email
* It flags their cert photo as "Secondary Needed" forever: even if the user
removes their cert photo and starts from scratch, it will immediately request
secondary ID when uploading a new primary photo.
* Secondary photos are deleted from the server on both Approve and Reject by
the admin account, for user privacy.
* If approved, a Secondary Approved=true boolean is stored in the database. This
boolean is set to False if the user deletes their cert photo in the future.
* Add a way for users to temporarily deactivate their accounts, in a
recoverable way should they decide to return later.
* A deactivated account may log in but have limited options: to
reactivate their account, permanently delete it, or log out.
* Fix several bugs around the display of comments, messages and
forum threads for disabled, banned, or blocked users:
* Messages (inbox and sentbox) will be hidden and the unread indicator
will not count unread messages the user can't access.
* Comments on photos and forum posts are hidden, and top-level threads
on the "Newest" tab will show "[unavailable]" for their text and
* Your historical notifications will hide users who are blocked, banned
or disabled.
* Add a "Friends" tab to user profile pages, to see other users' friends.
* The page is Certification Required so non-cert users can't easily
discover any members on the site.
Added the ability to delete or clear notifications.
* A "Clear all" button deletes them all (with confirmation)
* A "Remove" button on individual notifications (one confirmation per
page load, so you can remove several without too much tedium)
Fix some things regarding private photo notifications:
* When notifying your existing grants about a new upload, only users who
opt-in for Explicit are notified about Explicit private pictures.
* When revoking private grants, clean up the "has uploaded a new private
photo" notifications for all of your pics from their notification
* Users with private profiles or no public photo at all are considered
to be Shy Accounts and are isolated from the non-shy profiles.
* Restrictions include:
* Site Gallery shows only them + their friends' photos.
* User Galleries: must be a friend or had private photos granted to
see a user's gallery page.
* DMs: can not initiate a DM to a non-shy member (other shy members
* Add support to upload a picture to forum posts and replies, in forums that
have the PermitPhotos setting enabled.
* New DB table: CommentPhoto holds the association between a photo and a
forum ID. Photos can be uploaded at preview time (before a CommentID is
available) and get associated to the CommentID on save.
* Cron endpoint /v1/comment-photos/remove-orphaned can clean up orphaned
photos without a CommentID older than 24 hours.
* Add "Photo Boards" as a default forum category for new boards.
* Enhance user experience replying to a forum thread. An inline reply textarea
is added to page footers, "Quote" buttons on posts will quote the markdown
source and focus the reply textarea, and "Reply" buttons will put an
"@ mention" and focus the reply textarea. Users with scripts disabled will
still be sent to the regular reply page as before.
* Improve all pagers by adding a "QueryPlus" template function that merges the
page number with other current query parameters.
* Fix private profile picture avatars not displaying in your Notifications for
profile pics you're allowed to see.