* Add a "Newest" tab to the Forums landing page to order ALL forum posts
(comments) by most recent, paginated.
* Add a "Views" cooldown in Redis: viewing the same post multiple times
within 1 hour doesn't ++ the view count with every page load, per user
per thread ID.
* Update the paginators to handle unlimited numbers of pages: shows max
7 page buttons with your current page towards the middle.
* General ability to jump to the "last page" of anything: use a negative
page size like ?page=-1 and it acts like the last page.
* Add "Site Gallery" page showing all public+gallery member photos.
* Add "Certification Required" decorator for gallery and other main pages.
* Add the Certification Photo workflow:
* Users have a checklist on their dashboard to upload a profile pic
and post a certification selfie (two requirements)
* Admins notified by email when a new certification pic comes in.
* Admin can reject (w/ comment) or approve the pic.
* Users can re-upload or delete their pic at the cost of losing
certification status if they make any such changes.
* Users are emailed when their photo is either approved or rejected.
* User Preferences: can now save the explicit pref to your account.
* Explicit photos on user pages and site gallery are hidden if the
current user hasn't opted-in (user can always see their own explicit
photos regardless of the setting)
* If a user is viewing a member gallery and explicit pics are hidden, a
count of the number of explicit pics is shown to inform the user that
more DO exist, they just don't see them. The site gallery does not do
this and simply hides explicit photos.
* Add the user photo gallery for profile pages. Paginated, grid or full (blog
style) view options. In grid view clicking a photo opens a large modal to
see it; full view already shows large photos.
* Edit page: can also re-crop and set an existing pic to be your profile pic.
* Delete page: remove photos from the DB and hard drive.
* Photos are cleaned up from disk when not needed, e.g. during a re-crop the
old cropped photo is removed before the new one replaces it.
* Fixed bug with cropping pictures.