New feature: User Notes
* Add a "Notes" tab to user profile pages and galleries.
* Users can create one private note about another user.
* Admins can see all notes left about a user.
* Admins also see Feedback & Reports regarding the user on that page.
Bring back the online chatters list
* The Usernames are filtered down based on blocklist status.
* Signup: if entering an existing email, don't admit that the email
exists. Instead, send a specialized email to its address.
* Search: no longer search for users by email address.
* Login: always hash the incoming password on user not found, to take
constant time compared to when the user did exist.
* Fix a pagination bug when a private (shy account) views a non-friend's
photo gallery.
* On user profile pages and gallery: the total photo count for the user
will only include photos that the viewer can actually see (taking into
account friendship and private grants), so that users won't harass
each other to see the additional photos that aren't visible to them.
* On the member directory search: the photo counts will only show public
photos on their page for now, and may be fewer than the number of
photos the current user could actually see.
* Blocklist: you can now manually add a user by username to your block
list. So if somebody blocked you on the site and you want to block
them back, there is a way to do this.
* Friends: you can now directly unfriend someone from their profile
page by clicking on the "Friends" button. You get a confirmation
popup before the remove friend action goes through.
* Bugfix: when viewing a user's gallery, you were able to see their
Friends-only photos if they granted you their Private photo access,
even if you were not their friend.
* Bugfix: when uploading a new private photo, instead of notifying
everybody you granted access to your privates it will only notify
if they are also on your friend list.