* Add a way for users to temporarily deactivate their accounts, in a
recoverable way should they decide to return later.
* A deactivated account may log in but have limited options: to
reactivate their account, permanently delete it, or log out.
* Fix several bugs around the display of comments, messages and
forum threads for disabled, banned, or blocked users:
* Messages (inbox and sentbox) will be hidden and the unread indicator
will not count unread messages the user can't access.
* Comments on photos and forum posts are hidden, and top-level threads
on the "Newest" tab will show "[unavailable]" for their text and
* Your historical notifications will hide users who are blocked, banned
or disabled.
* Add a "Friends" tab to user profile pages, to see other users' friends.
* The page is Certification Required so non-cert users can't easily
discover any members on the site.
New feature: User Notes
* Add a "Notes" tab to user profile pages and galleries.
* Users can create one private note about another user.
* Admins can see all notes left about a user.
* Admins also see Feedback & Reports regarding the user on that page.
Bring back the online chatters list
* The Usernames are filtered down based on blocklist status.
* Signup: if entering an existing email, don't admit that the email
exists. Instead, send a specialized email to its address.
* Search: no longer search for users by email address.
* Login: always hash the incoming password on user not found, to take
constant time compared to when the user did exist.
* Fix a pagination bug when a private (shy account) views a non-friend's
photo gallery.
* On user profile pages and gallery: the total photo count for the user
will only include photos that the viewer can actually see (taking into
account friendship and private grants), so that users won't harass
each other to see the additional photos that aren't visible to them.
* On the member directory search: the photo counts will only show public
photos on their page for now, and may be fewer than the number of
photos the current user could actually see.
* Blocklist: you can now manually add a user by username to your block
list. So if somebody blocked you on the site and you want to block
them back, there is a way to do this.
* Friends: you can now directly unfriend someone from their profile
page by clicking on the "Friends" button. You get a confirmation
popup before the remove friend action goes through.
* Bugfix: when viewing a user's gallery, you were able to see their
Friends-only photos if they granted you their Private photo access,
even if you were not their friend.
* Bugfix: when uploading a new private photo, instead of notifying
everybody you granted access to your privates it will only notify
if they are also on your friend list.
Added the ability to delete or clear notifications.
* A "Clear all" button deletes them all (with confirmation)
* A "Remove" button on individual notifications (one confirmation per
page load, so you can remove several without too much tedium)
Fix some things regarding private photo notifications:
* When notifying your existing grants about a new upload, only users who
opt-in for Explicit are notified about Explicit private pictures.
* When revoking private grants, clean up the "has uploaded a new private
photo" notifications for all of your pics from their notification
* Refactor the Settings page into a tabbed UI to reduce confusion with
all the different forms and save buttons
* Add a DM Privacy setting to your page
* Update the About page
* Users with private profiles or no public photo at all are considered
to be Shy Accounts and are isolated from the non-shy profiles.
* Restrictions include:
* Site Gallery shows only them + their friends' photos.
* User Galleries: must be a friend or had private photos granted to
see a user's gallery page.
* DMs: can not initiate a DM to a non-shy member (other shy members
* Enhance user experience replying to a forum thread. An inline reply textarea
is added to page footers, "Quote" buttons on posts will quote the markdown
source and focus the reply textarea, and "Reply" buttons will put an
"@ mention" and focus the reply textarea. Users with scripts disabled will
still be sent to the regular reply page as before.
* Improve all pagers by adding a "QueryPlus" template function that merges the
page number with other current query parameters.
* Fix private profile picture avatars not displaying in your Notifications for
profile pics you're allowed to see.
* Users who set their Profile Picture to "friends only" or "private" can have
their avatar be private all over the website to users who are not their
friends or not granted access.
* Users who are not your friends see a yellow placeholder avatar, and users
not granted access to a private Profile Pic sees a purple avatar.
* Admin users see these same placeholder avatars most places too (on search,
forums, comments, etc.) if the user did not friend or grant the admin. But
admins ALWAYS see it on their Profile Page directly, for ability to moderate.
* Fix marking Notifications as read: clicking the link in an unread notification
now will wait on the ajax request to finish before allowing the redirect.
* Update the FAQ
* Add "Like" buttons to comments and forum posts.
* Make "private" profiles more private (logged-in users see only their profile
pic, display name, and can friend request or message, if they are not approved
friends of the private user)
* Add "logged-out view" visibility setting to profiles: to share a link to your
page on other sites. Opt-in setting - default is login required to view your
public profile page.
* CSRF cookie fix.
* Updated FAQ & Privacy pages.
* On Forums landing page, show who was the most recent commenter on each
board's most recently updated post.
* Show photo count on Profile Pages on the "Photos" tab.
* Revise the mobile and tablet top nav bar:
* Always show small badge icons linking to the Site Gallery & Forum
* Always show Friends & Messages badges. If no new notifications, they
display as grey instead of yellow w/ a number.
* Put icons next to most nav bar items, especially the User Menu
* Tighten the sprawling page layouts in the Forums to be more compact
for mobile screens.
* Fix bug where some pages scrolled horizontally on mobile: the root cause
was divs with class="content p-2", needs minimum p-3 (but p-4 is used) to
provide enough padding to overcome column margins which were pushing the
page too wide on mobile.
Finish implementing the basic forum features:
* Pinned threads (admin or board owner only)
* Edit Thread settings when you edit the top-most comment.
* NoReply threads remove all the reply buttons.
* Explicit forums and threads are filtered out unless opted-in (admins
always see them).
* Count the unique members who participated in each forum.
* Get the most recently updated thread to show on forum list page.
* Contact/Report page: handle receiving a comment ID to report on.
Implement Likes & Notifications
* Like buttons added to Photos and Profile Pages. Implemented via simple
vanilla JS (likes.js) to make ajax requests to back-end to like/unlike.
* Notifications: for your photo or profile being liked. If you unlike,
the existing notifications about the like are revoked.
* The notifications appear as an alert number in the nav bar and are read
on the User Dashboard. Click to mark a notification as "read" or click
the "mark all as read" button.
Update DeleteUser to scrub likes, notifications, threads, and comments.
* Add setting to mark profile as "private"
* If a profile is private you can't see their profile page or user photo
gallery unless you are friends (or admin)
* The Site Gallery never shows pictures from private profiles.
* Add HTML5 drag/drop upload support for photo gallery.
* Suppress SQL logging except in debug mode.
* Clean up extra logs.
* Add photo upload quotas.
* Non-certified users can upload few photos; certified users more
* Fix foreign key issues around deleting user profile photos for psql
Implement block lists. They work like friend lists but are unidirectional,
but take effect in both directions (blocker and blockee can not see one
another on the site -- except admin users can always see all users).
* Profile page says 404
* User gallery says 404
* User search page filters out blocked users
* Compose endpoint blocks sending messages to blocked users (except admin)
* Site Gallery filters photos by blocked (and uncertified) users
* Inbox page hides chat list for blocked users (can still read the chat
history if you have a link to the old thread)
* Add impersonate feature
* Add ban/unban user feature
* Add promote/demote admin status feature
* Add admin user deletion feature
* Admin ability to see other status certification pics
* Nav bar indicator of pending admin actions such as cert pics
needing approval
* Admin ability to search cert pics for specific user
* Add "forgot password" workflow.
* Add ability to change user email address (confirmation link sent)
* Add ability to change user's password.
* Add rate limiter to deter brute force login attempts.
* Add user deep delete functionality (delete account).
* Ping user LastLoginAt every 8 hours for long-lived session cookies.
* Add age filters to user search page.
* Add sort options to user search (last login, created, username/name)
* Add "Site Gallery" page showing all public+gallery member photos.
* Add "Certification Required" decorator for gallery and other main pages.
* Add the Certification Photo workflow:
* Users have a checklist on their dashboard to upload a profile pic
and post a certification selfie (two requirements)
* Admins notified by email when a new certification pic comes in.
* Admin can reject (w/ comment) or approve the pic.
* Users can re-upload or delete their pic at the cost of losing
certification status if they make any such changes.
* Users are emailed when their photo is either approved or rejected.
* User Preferences: can now save the explicit pref to your account.
* Explicit photos on user pages and site gallery are hidden if the
current user hasn't opted-in (user can always see their own explicit
photos regardless of the setting)
* If a user is viewing a member gallery and explicit pics are hidden, a
count of the number of explicit pics is shown to inform the user that
more DO exist, they just don't see them. The site gallery does not do
this and simply hides explicit photos.