* On user profile pages and gallery: the total photo count for the user
will only include photos that the viewer can actually see (taking into
account friendship and private grants), so that users won't harass
each other to see the additional photos that aren't visible to them.
* On the member directory search: the photo counts will only show public
photos on their page for now, and may be fewer than the number of
photos the current user could actually see.
* Blocklist: you can now manually add a user by username to your block
list. So if somebody blocked you on the site and you want to block
them back, there is a way to do this.
* Friends: you can now directly unfriend someone from their profile
page by clicking on the "Friends" button. You get a confirmation
popup before the remove friend action goes through.
* Bugfix: when viewing a user's gallery, you were able to see their
Friends-only photos if they granted you their Private photo access,
even if you were not their friend.
* Bugfix: when uploading a new private photo, instead of notifying
everybody you granted access to your privates it will only notify
if they are also on your friend list.
Added the ability to delete or clear notifications.
* A "Clear all" button deletes them all (with confirmation)
* A "Remove" button on individual notifications (one confirmation per
page load, so you can remove several without too much tedium)
Fix some things regarding private photo notifications:
* When notifying your existing grants about a new upload, only users who
opt-in for Explicit are notified about Explicit private pictures.
* When revoking private grants, clean up the "has uploaded a new private
photo" notifications for all of your pics from their notification
* Add photo upload quotas.
* Non-certified users can upload few photos; certified users more
* Fix foreign key issues around deleting user profile photos for psql
* Add the user photo gallery for profile pages. Paginated, grid or full (blog
style) view options. In grid view clicking a photo opens a large modal to
see it; full view already shows large photos.
* Edit page: can also re-crop and set an existing pic to be your profile pic.
* Delete page: remove photos from the DB and hard drive.
* Photos are cleaned up from disk when not needed, e.g. during a re-crop the
old cropped photo is removed before the new one replaces it.
* Fixed bug with cropping pictures.