{{define "title"}}{{.Thread.Title}} - {{.Forum.Title}}{{end}} {{define "content"}}
{{$Root := .}}
{{if not .Thread.NoReply}} Add Reply {{end}}

{{if .Thread.Pinned}}{{end}} {{or .Thread.Title "Untitled Thread"}}

{{if .Thread.Pinned}} Pinned {{end}} {{if .Thread.Explicit}} NSFW {{end}} {{if .Thread.NoReply}} No Reply {{end}} {{.Thread.Views}} View{{PluralizeU64 .Thread.Views}} Updated {{SincePrettyCoarse .Thread.UpdatedAt}} ago

Found {{.Pager.Total}} post{{Pluralize64 .Pager.Total}} on this thread (page {{.Pager.Page}} of {{.Pager.Pages}}).

{{if .IsSubscribed}} Disable notifications about this thread {{else}} Enable notifications about this thread {{end}}

{{SimplePager .Pager}}
{{$Root := .}}
{{range $i, $c := .Comments}}
{{if .User.UserRelationship.IsBlocked}}
{{template "avatar-64x64"}}
[unavailable] {{else}} {{ $NoDisplayName := eq $c.User.NameOrUsername $c.User.Username }}
{{template "avatar-96x96" $c.User}}
{{- if $NoDisplayName}}@{{end -}} {{$c.User.NameOrUsername}} {{if not $NoDisplayName}}
{{end}} {{end}} {{if $c.User.IsAdmin}}
{{ToMarkdown $c.Message}} {{if $c.IsEdited}}
Edited {{SincePrettyCoarse $c.UpdatedAt}} ago
{{end}} {{if and (eq $Root.Pager.Page 1) (eq $i 0) $Root.Thread.PollID}}


{{$Poll := $Root.Thread.Poll}} {{$PollResult := $Poll.Result $Root.CurrentUser}}
{{InputCSRF}} {{if $PollResult.AcceptingVotes}} {{range $Poll.Options}}
{{end}} {{if $Poll.MultipleChoice}}
Multiple choice: select all the answers you want before casting your vote!
{{if and ($Poll.Expires) (not $Poll.IsExpired)}} Poll expires in about {{SincePrettyCoarse $Root.Thread.Poll.ExpiresAt}}. Vote or wait to see the responses. {{else}} Poll doesn't expire. Vote to see the responses. {{end}}
{{else}} {{range $Poll.Options}}
{{$PollResult.GetPercent .}}%
{{$PollResult.GetPercent .}}%
{{end}} {{$PollResult.TotalVotes}} vote{{Pluralize $PollResult.TotalVotes}}. {{if $Poll.IsExpired}} Poll ended {{SincePrettyCoarse $Root.Thread.Poll.ExpiresAt}} ago. {{end}} {{end}}
{{end}} {{$Photos := $Root.PhotoMap.Get $c.ID}} {{if $Photos}} {{range $Photos}} {{if not .ExpiredAt.IsZero}}
photo expired on {{.ExpiredAt.Format "2006-01-02"}}
{{else}} {{if HasSuffix .Filename ".mp4"}}
{{end}} {{end}} {{end}} {{end}}
{{SincePrettyCoarse .CreatedAt}} ago
{{if not $Root.Thread.NoReply}} {{end}} {{if or ($Root.CurrentUser.HasAdminScope "social.moderator.forum") (eq $Root.CurrentUser.ID .User.ID)}} {{end}} {{if or $Root.CanModerate ($Root.CurrentUser.HasAdminScope "social.moderator.forum") (eq $Root.CurrentUser.ID .User.ID)}} {{end}} {{if $Root.CurrentUser.HasAdminScope "admin.changelog"}} {{end}}
{{if $Root.CurrentUser.IsAdmin}}
ID: {{.ID}}
{{SimplePager .Pager}}
{{if .CanModerate}}

{{if or (eq .Forum.OwnerID .CurrentUser.ID) (.CurrentUser.HasAdminScope "admin.forum.manage")}}


{{end}} {{if .Thread.NoReply}}
This thread is not accepting any new replies.

Markdown formatting supported.

{{if .Forum.PermitPhotos}}
{{if not .ExplicitPhotoAllowed}}

No Explicit Photos: This {{if not .Thread}}forum{{else}}thread{{end}} is not marked to accept Explicit photos being shared. If you are going to upload a nude picture, please make sure it is not an Explicit photo. Thanks!

{{end}} {{if .Forum.PermitPhotos}} {{end}} {{end}}