{{define "title"}}Sign Up{{end}} {{define "content"}}
{{if or .SkipEmailVerification (not .SignupToken)}}

I'm glad you're thinking about joining us here!

Before we get started, I want you to confirm you've read the rules. Before you can interact with the community here, you will need to upload a face picture to your profile (it doesn't have to be a nude, but does have to show your face!) and you will need to submit a verification selfie to prove that the person in that picture is you.

The verification selfie will involve you writing a message on a sheet of paper and taking a selfie showing your face and clearly holding the sheet of paper. But we'll get to that a little later!

Site Rules

For more details, please see the Terms of Service as well as the Privacy Policy.


Here is what you can expect from the sign-up process:

  1. Email address: you will be emailed a link to verify control of that email inbox.
  2. Account creation: you will create a username, password, and upload a face pic for your profile page.
  3. Verification: you will take a verification selfie to prove you're the person in that profile pic.
  4. Approval: an admin will review your verification selfie and you will become a full member of this site!

Sign Up

To start the process, enter your e-mail address below. You will be sent an e-mail to verify you control that address and then you can create a username and password.

{{ InputCSRF }} {{if .SignupToken}} {{end}}
{{if or .SignupToken .SkipEmailVerification}}
Usernames are 3 to 32 characters a-z 0-9 . -

Your birthdate won't be shown to other members and is used to show your current age on your profile. Please enter your correct birthdate.
On mobile and scrolling for your year is tedious? Click to type your birthdate instead.


Please enter a valid phone number for your account.

{{if .TurnstileCAPTCHA.Enabled}}
{{end}} {{define "scripts"}} {{if .TurnstileCAPTCHA.Enabled}} {{end}} {{end}}