{{define "title"}}Message Inbox{{end}} {{define "content"}}
{{if .ViewThread}}Conversation with {{.ReplyTo.Username}}{{else}}Inbox{{end}}
{{$SourceUser.NameOrUsername}} {{if $SourceUser.IsAdmin}} Admin {{end}}
{{$SourceUser.Username}} {{if not $SourceUser.Certified}} Not Certified! {{end}}
Be careful about possible scams!
If @{{$Root.ReplyTo.Username}} is asking to take you to a messenger app within the first couple of messages, be wary! It is a well-known tactic for con artists to move your conversation away to another platform as soon as possible, in order to evade detection from the website.
Please report this message if you think it may be a scam. The certification requirement for {{PrettyTitle}} cannot guarantee protection against malicious intent.
Be especially skeptical of WhatsApp or trading phone numbers. Scammers can do a lot of harm with just your phone number, e.g. by plugging it into a people search website and bringing up lots of personal information about you (potentially for blackmail material).
If you don't know @{{$Root.ReplyTo.Username}} and they are asking you to exchange phone numbers (including WhatsApp!), please be careful!
You have {{.Unread}} unread message{{Pluralize64 .Unread}}. Select a message on the other column to read the conversation here.
Pro Tip: Do you get a lot of thirsty, unsolicited messages from strangers and wish you could do something about that? In your Privacy Settings there is an option to limit who can slide into your DMs. You can always reach out first and start a chat with someone regardless of this setting.
{{if eq .Box "threads"}} Conversations {{else if eq .Box "inbox"}} All Inbox Messages {{else}} Sent Messages {{end}}
{{if eq $Root.Box "sent"}}
{{$User := $UserMap.Get .TargetUserID}}
Sent To
{{template "avatar-24x24" $User}}
{{$User := $UserMap.Get .SourceUserID}}
{{template "avatar-24x24" $User}}