{{define "title"}}Not Available{{end}} {{define "content"}}
We regret to inform you that {{PrettyTitle}} is currently not available.
The website is currently in "maintenance mode" and the feature you requested is currently on pause. Please check back again later.
{{if .Reason}}All user interaction on the website is currently on pause. You are currently logged in to an account (username: {{.CurrentUser.Username}}) and you may remain logged-in if you want, but all actions that require a logged-in account are currently disabled.
If you'd like, you may log out or just come back later and see if the maintenance mode of the website has been lifted.
{{else if eq .Reason "signup"}}All new account signups are currently on pause. We are not accepting any new members at this time. Please check back again later.
{{else if eq .Reason "login"}}All new account logins are currently on pause. Please try again later.
{{else if eq .Reason "chat"}}The chat room is currently offline for maintenance. Please try again some other time.
{{else}}No further information is available at this time.