{{define "title"}}Deactivate Account{{end}} {{define "content"}}

Deactivate My Account


On this page you may temporarily deactivate your account, which will hide your profile from everywhere on the website (as if your account were deleted), but in a recoverable way where you may log in and re-activate your account in the future, should you decide to come back.

When you deactivate your account:

  • Your profile will be hidden from everywhere on the website: for example you will not be searchable on the Member Directory.
  • People you had exchanged Messages with will no longer see your conversations in their inbox or outbox page.
  • All comments and forum posts you made will be hidden from everybody on the website.
  • You will be signed out of your {{PrettyTitle}} account. If you wish to re-activate your account in the future, you may sign back in and the only options you will be given will be to re-activate your account, delete it permanently, or log out.

To confirm deactivation of your account, please enter your current account password into the box below.
