{{define "title"}}Admin Transparency for: {{.User.Username}}{{end}} {{define "content"}}

Admin Transparency

Scopes & permissions available to: {{.User.Username}}

{{$Root := .}}

This web page provides transparency for the website administrators and what their specific responsibilities and capabilities are.

Administrators on {{PrettyTitle}} do not automatically have access to "god mode" powers to use every admin feature across the entire website. Instead, admin accounts are assigned to specific limited roles with related, narrowly scoped, permissions related to that role. For example: an admin who only moderates the chat room will not have access to see certification pictures or your private gallery pictures.

This enables {{PrettyTitle}} to recruit help from volunteer moderators to help with very specific tasks (such as chat room or forum moderation) while keeping their permissions locked down so they can't access other sensitive areas of the admin website.

{{template "avatar-64x64" .User}}


{{.User.Username}} Admin

Admin accounts on {{PrettyTitle}} are assigned permissions based on the "groups" they are in: each group relates to a specific role (such as chat moderator) and grants the specific website permissions related to that role.

@{{.User.Username}} is a member of {{len .User.AdminGroups}} admin group{{Pluralize (len .User.AdminGroups)}}:

{{if eq (len .User.AdminGroups) 0}}
They are not assigned to any admin groups and so they have no special permissions aside from the 'Admin' badge appearing on their profile page.
{{end}} {{range .User.AdminGroups}}


Permission scopes:

{{range .Scopes}}
{{.Scope}} {{if eq .Scope "*"}} (wildcard scope that grants all permissions) {{end}}
{{AdminScopeDescription .Scope}}

For context to the above, the following is the complete and exhaustive list of {{PrettyTitle}} admin capabilities that could be granted to an admin account.

Permissions that this admin has will be highlighted in green, and permissions they do not have will be in red.

{{range .AdminScopes}}
{{if $Root.User.HasAdminScope .}} {{.}} {{else}} {{.}} {{end}}
{{AdminScopeDescription .}}