{{define "title"}} {{if .EditCommentID}} Edit Comment {{else if .Thread}} Reply to Thread {{else}} New Forum Post {{end}} {{end}} {{define "content"}}
{{$Root := .}}
{{if and (eq .Request.Method "POST") (ne .Message "")}}
{{ToMarkdown .Message}}
{{InputCSRF}} {{if not .Thread}}



Markdown formatting supported.

{{if and (not .EditCommentID) (not .Thread)}}
Poll expires:
{{end}} {{if .Forum.PermitPhotos}}
{{if not .ExplicitPhotoAllowed}}

{{if not .Thread}} Explicit Photo Notice: The forum you are posting to isn't marked as Explicit. If you are going to share an Explicit photo, please also mark this thread as Explicit using the checkbox below! {{else}} No Explicit Photos: This {{if not .Thread}}forum{{else}}thread{{end}} is not marked to accept Explicit photos being shared. If you are going to upload a nude picture, please make sure it is not an Explicit photo. Thanks! {{end}}


Selected image:

{{if and .CommentPhoto (HasSuffix .CommentPhoto.Filename ".mp4")}} {{else}} {{end}}
{{if or (not .Thread) .EditThreadSettings}}
{{if or .CurrentUser.IsAdmin (and .Forum (eq .Forum.OwnerID .CurrentUser.ID))}}
{{end}} {{if or .CurrentUser.Explicit .IsExplicit}}
{{if not .Forum.Explicit}}

The forum you are posting this in is not marked as Explicit, however the occasional Explicit thread is allowed as long as it is correctly tagged. Please check this box if the text or attached photos on this thread will be sexual in nature!

{{end}} {{if .CurrentUser.IsAdmin}}
{{end}} {{define "scripts"}} {{if .Forum.PermitPhotos}} {{end}} {{end}}