{{define "title"}}The inner circle{{end}} {{define "content"}} <div class="block"> <section class="hero is-inner-circle is-bold"> <div class="hero-body"> <div class="container"> <h1 class="title has-text-light"> <img src="/static/img/circle-24.png" class="mr-1"> The inner circle </h1> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="block p-4"> <div class="columns"> <div class="column is-one-quarter"> <!-- Quick Links --> <div class="card block"> <header class="card-header has-background-link"> <p class="card-header-title has-text-light"> <span class="icon mr-1"><img src="/static/img/circle-16.png"></span> <span>Quick Links</span> </p> </header> <div class="card-content"> <p class="block"> Some quick links to {{PrettyCircle}}-only views mentioned in the description on this page: </p> <ul class="menu-list block"> <li> <a href="/photo/gallery?visibility=circle"> <i class="fa fa-image mr-1"></i> Gallery (circle-only photos) </a> </li> <li> <a href="/members?certified=circle"> <i class="fa fa-people-group mr-1"></i> Inner circle members </a> </li> <li> <a href="/f/circle"> <i class="fa fa-comments mr-1"></i> Forum (Circle Chat) </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="column content"> <p> Congratulations! You have been added to the <strong>{{PrettyCircle}}</strong> because you exemplify what it truly means to be a {{PrettyTitle}} nudist. </p> <h2>What is the inner circle?</h2> <p> The inner circle is for {{PrettyTitle}} members who <em>actually</em> share a lot of nude pictures, <strong>with face</strong>, of themselves on their profile page. It is "the party inside the party" designed only for members who truly embrace the spirit of the {{PrettyTitle}} website by boldly sharing nude pics with face for other nonshy nudists to see. </p> <h2>What can I do for being in the inner circle?</h2> <p> As a part of the inner circle, you have access to the following new features: </p> <ul> <li> When <a href="/photo/upload"><strong><i class="fa fa-upload mr-1"></i> Uploading a photo</strong></a> you have a new Visibility option for "<strong>{{PrettyCircle}}</strong> <img src="/static/img/circle-16.png">" so that only members of the inner circle can see those pictures. </li> <li> On the <a href="/photo/gallery"><strong><i class="fa fa-image mr-1"></i> Site Gallery</strong></a> you can filter for <a href="/photo/gallery?visibility=circle">Inner Circle-only photos</a> shared by other members of the circle. </li> <li> On the <a href="/members"><strong><i class="fa fa-people-group mr-1"></i> Member Directory</strong></a> you can see who else is <a href="/members?certified=circle">in the inner circle.</a> </li> <li> On the <a href="/members"><strong><i class="fa fa-comments mr-1"></i> Forums</strong></a> you can access exclusive inner circle-only boards. </li> <li> On your <a href="/u/{{.CurrentUser.Username}}">profile page</a> you get an "Inner circle" badge near your Certified status. This badge is <strong>only</strong> visible to members of the inner circle. </li> <li> You may <strong>invite</strong> other members to join the inner circle. </li> </ul> <h2 id="qualify">How does one qualify to be part of the inner circle?</h2> <p> The minimum qualifications for somebody to be in the inner circle include: </p> <p> On <strong>public</strong> visibility, they have at least <strong>5 (five)</strong> photos that show their <strong>face</strong> <em>and</em> <strong>nude body</strong> together. </p> <p> If you see an inner circle member who had dropped below that threshold later (e.g., they moved all of their pictures to private or they deleted them all from their page), you may <strong>request removal</strong> from the circle when viewing their photo gallery page. Help us keep the integrity of the inner circle by requesting removals when you see somebody who should no longer qualify to be in the circle. <strong>Removal requests are anonymous!</strong> </p> <h2>How do I invite others to join the inner circle?</h2> <p> When you are viewing a <strong>member's photo gallery</strong> page, look for the prompt at the top of the page. </p> <p> If a member posts several <small>(e.g. {{.InnerCircleMinimumPublicPhotos}}+)</small> nude pics <strong>including face</strong> you should invite them to join the inner circle. All members of the circle are allowed to invite new members to join. We trust your judgment: please only invite like-minded nudists who <em>actually</em> share nudes <em>with face</em> to join the inner circle. </p> <p> <strong>Notice:</strong> the prompt to invite them to the circle will not be visible if they do not have <em>at least</em> <strong>{{.InnerCircleMinimumPublicPhotos}}</strong> public photos on their page at all. Those public photos aren't necessarily nudes, but hiding the prompt unless they have {{.InnerCircleMinimumPublicPhotos}} photos can help reduce the risk of inviting somebody on accident. </p> <h2>Please keep the existence of the inner circle a secret</h2> <p> The inner circle is not publicly advertised on the site. This is to help ensure that "bad actors" won't try and game the system (e.g., by begging somebody to invite them into the circle, or uploading a bare minimum of nude pics for somebody to invite them only for them to delete their nudes and try and stay in the inner circle). Plus, it adds an air of exclusivity to keep the existence of the circle on the down low. </p> <h2>Still continue to share at least <em>some</em> nudes on "public"</h2> <p> With the new Photo visibility option for "inner circle only" you may tag your best nudes for only members of the inner circle to see. However, you should still continue to share at least <em>some</em> photos on "Public" as you were doing previously. This is for a couple of reasons: </p> <ul> <li> Members who are <em>not</em> in the circle won't see your circle-only photos. If for example you placed <em>all</em> of your nudes on circle-only you would appear to look the same as someone who uploaded no nudes at all. </li> <li> The "<a href="/faq#shy-faqs">Shy Account</a>" system of the main website still applies: if you have not one public photo on your page you may be marked as a Shy Account and be limited from some site features such as the Chat Room. </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> {{end}}