{{define "title"}} Notes about {{.User.Username}} {{end}} {{define "content"}}

{{template "title" .}}

{{$Root := .}}

On this page you may jot down some private notes for yourself about {{.User.Username}}, for example to remember a topic you discussed on chat or to remember what they said their favorite color was -- it's up to you!

Your notes will not be visible to {{.User.Username}} but will be visible to website administrators.

{{if not .MyNote.UpdatedAt.IsZero}}
You last updated your notes {{SincePrettyCoarse .MyNote.UpdatedAt}} ago.
{{if .CurrentUser.IsAdmin}}

Everyone Else's Notes

{{if .NotePager.Total}}

Found {{.NotePager.Total}} note{{Pluralize64 .NotePager.Total}} about this user (page {{.NotePager.Page}} of {{.NotePager.Pages}}).


Note: admin notes are shown first, and the rest are ordered by recently updated.

{{SimplePager .NotePager}}

{{range .OtherNotes}} {{end}}
{{SimplePager .NotePager}}
{{if .CurrentUser.IsAdmin}}

Admin Feedback & Reports

{{if .FeedbackPager.Total}} Found {{.FeedbackPager.Total}} report{{Pluralize64 .FeedbackPager.Total}} about this user (page {{.FeedbackPager.Page}} of {{.FeedbackPager.Pages}}). {{end}}
{{SimplePager .FeedbackPager}}
{{range .Feedback}} {{$User := $Root.UserMap.Get .UserID}}
Intent: {{.Intent}}
Subject: {{.Subject}}
Table: {{if eq .TableName ""}} n/a {{if ne .TableID 0}} - {{.TableID}}{{end}} {{else if eq .TableName "users"}} Users: {{.TableID}} {{else if eq .TableName "photos"}} Photos: {{.TableID}} {{else if eq .TableName "messages"}} Messages: {{.TableID}} {{else}} {{.TableName}}: {{.TableID}} {{end}}
Reply To: {{if $User}} {{$User.Username}} {{else if ne .ReplyTo ""}} {{.ReplyTo}} {{else}} n/a {{end}}
{{if eq .Message ""}}

No message attached.

{{else}} {{ToMarkdown .Message}} {{end}}
{{SimplePager .FeedbackPager}}