{{define "title"}}My Dashboard{{end}} {{define "content"}}

User Dashboard

to your account

{{if or (not .CurrentUser.Certified) (not .CurrentUser.ProfilePhoto.ID)}}

Onboarding Checklist

You're almost there! Please review the following checklist items to gain full access to this website. Members are expected to have a face picture as their default Profile Pic and upload a Verification Photo to become certified as being a real person.

{{end}} {{if and .CurrentUser.Certified .IsShyUser}}

Your profile page is too private

You are considered to be a Shy Account because your profile and photos are all set to Private or Friends-only visibility, so that to other members of {{PrettyTitle}} you appear like a blank, faceless profile.

While in this restricted state, you are grouped into a cohort with other members who are as shy as you are and have limited contact options to connect with our other, {{PrettyTitle}} members who are sharing their nudes on public.

Click here to learn more about your Shy Account. To remedy this, please see the following steps:

{{end}} {{if not .MyLocation.Source}}

New Feature: Who's Nearby?

We've recently added a new feature! Who's Nearby can allow you to sort the Member Directory by their distance away from you.

First, you'll need to opt-in where your location is so that the site can know who's nearby. Please visit your Location Settings page to choose how you share your location -- you can even just drop a pin on a map anywhere you're comfortable with!

Then, you'll be able to sort the Member Directory by distance. Only people whose location is known will show in the results.

This feature is very privacy-conscious and you can turn it off again later, and we'll forget any location data we had! For more information, see this forum thread. This message will go away after you have set a location source for your profile -- or after a few weeks when enough people have had a chance to hear about the new feature!

{{$Root := .}}


{{if gt .NavUnreadNotifications 0}} {{.NavUnreadNotifications}} unread notification{{Pluralize64 .NavUnreadNotifications}}. {{else}} No unread notifications. {{end}}

{{if gt .NavUnreadNotifications 0}} {{.NavUnreadNotifications}} unread notification{{Pluralize64 .NavUnreadNotifications}}. {{else}} No unread notifications. {{end}}


{{range .Notifications}} {{$Body := $Root.NotifMap.Get .ID}} {{end}}
{{if not .Read}}
{{end}} {{template "avatar-48x48" .AboutUser}}
{{if eq .Type "like"}} {{.AboutUser.Username}} liked your {{if eq .TableName "photos"}} {{if $Body.Photo}} photo. {{else}} photo. {{end}} {{else if eq .TableName "users"}} profile page. {{else if eq .TableName "comments"}} {{if .Link}} comment: {{else}} comment. {{end}} {{else}} {{.TableName}}. {{end}} {{else if eq .Type "comment"}} {{.AboutUser.Username}} commented on your {{if eq .TableName "photos"}} photo: {{else}} {{.TableName}}: {{end}} {{else if eq .Type "also_comment"}} {{.AboutUser.Username}} also commented on a {{if eq .TableName "photos"}} photo {{else}} {{.TableName}} {{end}} that you replied to: {{else if eq .Type "also_posted"}} {{.AboutUser.Username}} replied to a forum thread that you follow: {{else if eq .Type "friendship_approved"}} {{.AboutUser.Username}} accepted your friend request! {{else if eq .Type "private_photo"}} {{.AboutUser.Username}} has granted you access to see their private photos! {{else if eq .Type "new_photo"}} {{if and $Body.Photo (eq $Body.Photo.Visibility "private")}} {{else if and $Body.Photo (eq $Body.Photo.Visibility "circle")}} {{else}} {{end}} {{.AboutUser.Username}} has uploaded a new {{if and $Body.Photo (eq $Body.Photo.Visibility "private")}} private photo! {{else}} photo! {{end}} {{else if eq .Type "cert_approved"}} Your certification photo was approved! {{else if eq .Type "cert_rejected"}} Your certification photo was rejected! {{else if eq .Type "inner_circle"}} You have been added to the {{PrettyCircle}} of nonshy.
Click to learn more about the inner circle.
{{else}} {{.AboutUser.Username}} {{.Type}} {{.TableName}} {{.TableID}} {{end}}
{{if .Message}}
{{ToMarkdown (TrimEllipses .Message 256)}}
{{end}} {{if $Body.Thread}} {{end}} {{if $Body.Photo}}
{{if eq .Type "comment"}} {{else}} {{or $Body.Photo.Caption "No caption."}} {{end}}
{{SincePrettyCoarse .CreatedAt}} ago.
{{if $Body.PhotoID}}
{{if HasSuffix $Body.Photo.Filename ".mp4"}} {{else}} {{end}} {{if $Body.Photo.Caption}} {{$Body.Photo.Caption}} {{else}} No caption. {{end}} {{if ne $Body.Photo.UserID $Root.CurrentUser.ID}}
{{$Like := $Root.PhotoLikeMap.Get $Body.PhotoID}}
{{if .Pager.HasNext}} {{end}}