{{define "title"}}Photo: {{or .Photo.Caption "No caption"}}{{end}} {{define "content"}}
{{ $Root := . }} {{ $User := .CurrentUser }} {{ $Comments := .CommentMap.Get .Photo.ID }}
{{template "avatar-24x24" .User}}
{{if eq .Photo.Visibility "friends"}} {{else if eq .Photo.Visibility "private"}} {{else}} {{end}}
{{if HasSuffix .Photo.Filename ".mp4"}} {{else}} {{end}}
{{if .Photo.Caption}} {{.Photo.Caption}} {{else}}No caption{{end}} {{if .Photo.AltText}}
Alt Text {{.Photo.AltText}}
{{.Photo.Views}} view{{PluralizeU64 .Photo.Views}} Uploaded {{.Photo.CreatedAt.Format "Jan _2 2006 15:04:05"}}
{{if .CurrentUser.HasAdminScope "social.moderator.photo"}} {{if .Photo.AdminLabel}}
Admin Label: {{.Photo.AdminLabel}}
{{end}} {{end}} {{if and (not .Photo.Explicit) (ne .Photo.UserID .CurrentUser.ID) (not .Photo.HasAdminLabelNonExplicit)}} {{end}} {{template "like-example" .}}
{{$Like := .LikeMap.Get .Photo.ID}}
{{if or .IsOwnPhoto (.CurrentUser.HasAdminScope "social.moderator.photo")}} {{end}} {{if not .IsOwnPhoto}} {{end}}
{{if .CurrentUser.HasAdminScope "admin.changelog"}} {{end}}

{{$Comments}} Comment{{Pluralize64 $Comments}}


Markdown formatting supported.

Remember: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all! It is strictly against the rules to insult people or be a bully.

{{if not .IsOwnPhoto}}

{{if .IsSubscribed}} Disable notifications about this comment thread {{else}} Enable notifications about this comment thread {{end}}

{{end}} {{if eq $Comments 0}}

There are no comments yet.

{{else}} {{range .Comments}} {{end}} {{end}}
{{template "mark-explicit-modal" .}} {{end}}