Write a description of this photo to help people with disabilities (such as the
vision impaired) to understand the content and meaning of this photo.
Max 5,000 characters.
Learn more
Reminder: There are risks inherent with sharing
pictures on the Internet, and {{PrettyTitle}} can't guarantee that another member of the site
won't download and possibly redistribute your photos. You may mark your picture as "Friends only"
or "Private" to limit who on the website will see it, but anybody who
can see it could potentially
save it to their computer.
Learn more
{{if .SiteGalleryThrottled}}
You have shared too many photos with the Site Gallery recently!
We currently limit members to featuring {{.SiteGalleryThrottleLimit}} photos
on the Site Gallery per day, so that one member doesn't dominate page after
page of the gallery by uploading all of their pictures at once.
Learn more
You may still upload all the photos you like to your gallery, but new ones can not be featured
on the Site Gallery until you have waited 24 hours. You MAY "edit" your recently posted photos
and un-check the Site Gallery box if you really want this one to be featured now.
Leave this box checked and your photo can appear in the site's Photo Gallery
page. Mainly your Public photos will appear
on the Gallery, and your approved friends may see your
Friends-only photos there as well.
Private photos may appear in
the gallery to users whom you have granted access. If this is undesirable,
un-check the Gallery box to skip the Site Gallery.
{{$IsFlagged := and .EditPhoto .EditPhoto.Flagged .EditPhoto.Explicit}}
{{if $IsFlagged}}
This photo was classified by the community as containing 'Explicit' content.
Please review what {{.Title}} considers an 'Explicit' photo
and if this photo fits the description, please leave this photo with the
'Explicit' box checked, below.
If you disagree that this photo should have been marked as 'Explicit,' you MAY
uncheck the box below and remove the Explicit status. Note: the website admin will
be notified to take a look as well if you do this, to verify that your photo has the correct 'Explicit'
{{if eq .Intent "profile_pic"}}
Your default profile picture should
contain explicit content.
Your default profile picture is about your face. You can have nudity
in it, too, but not a close-up shot of your genitals or sporting an
erection or engaging in sexual conduct. You can upload pictures like
that to your page, just not as your default profile picture!
Mark this box if this photo contains any explicit content, including an
erect penis, close-up of genitalia, or any depiction of sexual activity.
Use your best judgment.
Please see
what {{PrettyTitle}} considers to be an Explicit photo
on our Photo Policy page.
{{if not .EditPhoto}}
{{if eq .Intent "profile_pic"}}
{{if and .EditPhoto (.RequestUser.HasAdminScope "social.moderator.photo")}}
The options below can apply moderation rules to this picture, especially regarding
its 'explicit' status. For example: if a community member flagged this picture as
explicit, but it does NOT need to be marked as such, select that label below: and
the website will no longer allow this photo to be flagged as explicit again.
{{range .AvailableAdminLabels}}
Reminder: click on 'Save Changes' to apply these labels!