{{define "content"}}
<div class="container">
    <section class="hero block is-danger is-bold">
        <div class="hero-body">
            <div class="container">
                <h1 class="title">Certification Required</h1>

    <div class="block content p-4 mb-0">
        <h1>Certification Required</h1>
            Your profile must be <strong>certified</strong> as being a real person before you
            are allowed to interact with much of this website. Certification helps protect this
            site from spammers, robots, anonymous lurkers and other unsavory characters.

            To access the Certification Required areas you need to upload a Profile Picture
            that shows your face and submit a "verification selfie" depicting yourself
            holding a hand-written note on paper to prove that you are the person in your
            profile picture.

        <h3>Your Certification Checklist</h3>

    <ul class="menu-list block">
            <a href="/photo/upload?intent=profile_pic">
                {{if .CurrentUser.ProfilePhoto.ID}}
                <span class="icon"><i class="fa fa-circle-check has-text-success"></i></span>
                <span class="icon"><i class="fa fa-circle has-text-danger"></i></span>
                    Upload a Profile Picture to your account that shows your face
                    {{if not .CurrentUser.ProfilePhoto.ID}}
                    <span class="icon"><i class="fa fa-external-link"></i></span>

            <a href="/photo/certification">
                {{if .CurrentUser.Certified}}
                <span class="icon"><i class="fa fa-circle-check has-text-success"></i></span>
                <span class="icon"><i class="fa fa-circle has-text-danger"></i></span>
                    Get certified by uploading a verification selfie
                    {{if not .CurrentUser.Certified}}
                    <span class="icon"><i class="fa fa-external-link"></i></span>

    <div class="content p-4">
        <h3>While You Wait</h3>

            While waiting for your Certification Photo to be approved, you may
            <a href="/u/{{.CurrentUser.Username}}">view your profile</a>,
            <a href="/settings">edit your profile</a> and
            <a href="/photo/u/{{.CurrentUser.Username}}">upload some additional pictures</a>
            to your profile. Your additional photos will not be visible to other members
            until your profile has been certified.