{{define "title"}}Delete Photo{{end}} {{define "content"}}

{{if eq .Intent "delete"}} Delete {{len .Photos}} Photo{{Pluralize (len .Photos)}} {{else if eq .Intent "visibility"}} Edit Visibility {{else}} Batch Edit Photos {{end}}

{{InputCSRF}} {{if eq .Intent "visibility"}}

You may use this page to set all ({{len .Photos}}) photo{{if ge (len .Photos) 2}}s'{{end}} visibility setting.

This photo will appear on your profile page and can be seen by any logged-in user account. It may also appear on the site-wide Photo Gallery if that option is enabled, below.

Only users you have accepted as a friend can see this photo on your profile page and on the site-wide Photo Gallery if that option is enabled, below.

This photo is visible only to you and to users for whom you have granted access (manage grants ).

Reminder: There are risks inherent with sharing pictures on the Internet, and {{PrettyTitle}} can't guarantee that another member of the site won't download and possibly redistribute your photos. You may mark your picture as "Friends only" or "Private" to limit who on the website will see it, but anybody who can see it could potentially save it to their computer. Learn more
{{range .Photos}}
{{if HasSuffix .Filename ".mp4"}} {{else}} {{end}}
Are you sure you want to {{if eq .Intent "delete"}} delete {{else if eq .Intent "visibility"}} update the visibility of {{else}} update {{end}} {{if ge (len .Photos) 2 -}} these {{len .Photos}} photos? {{- else -}} this photo? {{- end}}
{{if eq .Intent "delete"}} {{else}} {{end}}