{{define "title"}} {{if .IsSiteGallery}} Member Gallery {{else}} Photos of {{.User.Username}} {{if eq .User.Visibility "private"}}{{end}} {{end}} {{end}} {{define "card-body"}}
Uploaded {{.CreatedAt.Format "Jan _2 2006 15:04:05"}} {{if .Views}} {{.Views}} {{end}}
{{if .Pinned}} Pinned {{end}} {{if .Explicit}} Explicit {{end}} {{if eq .Visibility "public"}} Public {{else if eq .Visibility "friends"}} Friends {{else}} Private {{end}} {{if .Gallery}} Gallery {{end}}
{{end}} {{define "card-footer"}} Edit Delete {{end}} {{define "content"}} {{if not .IsSiteGallery}} {{end}}
{{$Root := .}}
{{if not .IsSiteGallery}} {{end}} {{if and .IsSiteGallery .IsShyUser}}
You have a Shy Account so you will only see pictures of you and your friends here. Learn more
{{end}} {{if .IsShyFrom}}
You have a Shy Account and you are not friends with this person so can not see their gallery. Learn more
{{end}} {{if .ProfilePictureHiddenVisibility}}
Notice: @{{.User.Username}}'s default profile picture is set to {{if eq .ProfilePictureHiddenVisibility "friends"}} Friends only {{else}} Private {{end}} visibility and can not be seen by you. Learn more
{{if .Pager.Total}} Found {{FormatNumberCommas .Pager.Total}} photo{{Pluralize64 .Pager.Total}} (page {{.Pager.Page}} of {{.Pager.Pages}}). {{if .ExplicitCount}} {{.ExplicitCount}} explicit photo{{Pluralize64 .ExplicitCount}} hidden per your settings. {{end}} {{else if .ExplicitCount}} {{.ExplicitCount}} explicit photo{{Pluralize64 .ExplicitCount}} hidden per your settings. {{end}}
{{if .AreFriends}}

{{if .AreNotificationsMuted}} Enable notifications about {{.User.Username}}'s new photos {{else}} Mute notifications about {{.User.Username}}'s new photos {{end}}

{{end}} {{if and (not .IsSiteGallery) (eq .CurrentUser.ProfilePhoto.ID 0) (eq .CurrentUser.ID .User.ID)}}

Your default profile picture is not set

Your default profile picture is currently not set to anything, and appears to other members as the default blue placeholder image.

  • To upload a new profile picture, click here.
  • To use one of your existing photos as your profile picture:
    1. Click on the "Edit" button beneath one of your photos below.
    2. On the edit page, below the picture, click on the button to "Set this as my profile photo (crop image)" and select the square shape you want for your profile pic.
    3. Click on "Save Changes" when done!

Having a profile picture set, along with an approved certification photo, is required to access the social features on {{PrettyTitle}} such as the chat room, forums and member directory.

{{end}} {{if eq .FilterWho "friends"}}
Showing you all recent photos from yourself & your friends. See all certified members' gallery photos?
{{else if eq .FilterWho "friends+private"}}
Showing you all recent photos from yourself & your friends as well as any private photos shared with you by others on the site (if they are marked to appear in the Site Gallery).
{{else if eq .FilterWho "likes"}}
Showing you photos that you have Liked.
{{if .IsSiteGallery}}
{{end}} {{if or .CurrentUser.Explicit .IsOwnPhotos}}
{{if and .IsSiteGallery (.CurrentUser.HasAdminScope "social.moderator.photo")}}
{{if .IsOwnPhotos}} {{else if not .IsSiteGallery}}
{{if not .IsMyPrivateUnlockedFor}} Grant {{.User.Username}} access to see my private photos {{else}} You had granted {{.User.Username}} access to see your private photos. Manage that here. {{end}}
{{end}} {{if .AreWeGrantedPrivate}}
{{.User.Username}} has granted you access to see their private photos.
{{end}} {{SimplePager .Pager}}
{{if eq .ViewStyle "full"}} {{range .Photos}}
{{if $Root.IsSiteGallery}}
{{if $Root.UserMap.Has .UserID}} {{$Owner := $Root.UserMap.Get .UserID}}
{{template "avatar-24x24" $Owner}}
{{if eq .Visibility "friends"}} {{else if eq .Visibility "private"}} {{else}} {{end}}
{{else}} [deleted] {{end}}

{{or .Caption "Photo"}}

{{if HasSuffix .Filename ".mp4"}} {{else}} {{end}}
{{if .Caption}} {{.Caption}} {{else}}No caption{{end}} {{template "card-body" .}} {{if and (not .Explicit) (ne .UserID $Root.CurrentUser.ID) (not .HasAdminLabelNonExplicit)}} {{end}} {{if not $Root.AdminView}}
{{$Like := $Root.LikeMap.Get .ID}}
{{$Comments := $Root.CommentMap.Get .ID}} {{$Comments}} Comment{{Pluralize64 $Comments}}
{{if or $Root.IsOwnPhotos ($Root.CurrentUser.HasAdminScope "social.moderator.photo")}} {{template "card-footer" .}} {{end}} {{if not $Root.IsOwnPhotos}} Report {{end}}
{{end}} {{else}}
{{range .Photos}}
{{if $Root.IsSiteGallery}}
{{if $Root.UserMap.Has .UserID}} {{$Owner := $Root.UserMap.Get .UserID}}
{{template "avatar-24x24" $Owner}}
{{if eq .Visibility "friends"}} {{else if eq .Visibility "private"}} {{else}} {{end}}
{{else}} [deleted] {{end}}
{{if HasSuffix .Filename ".mp4"}} {{else}} {{end}}
{{if .Caption}} {{.Caption}} {{else}}No caption{{end}} {{template "card-body" .}} {{if and (not .Explicit) (ne .UserID $Root.CurrentUser.ID) (not .HasAdminLabelNonExplicit)}} {{end}} {{if not $Root.AdminView}}
{{$Like := $Root.LikeMap.Get .ID}}
{{$Comments := $Root.CommentMap.Get .ID}} {{$Comments}} Comment{{Pluralize64 $Comments}}
{{if or $Root.IsOwnPhotos ($Root.CurrentUser.HasAdminScope "social.moderator.photo")}} {{template "card-footer" .}} {{end}} {{if not $Root.IsOwnPhotos}} Report {{end}}
{{end}} {{SimplePager .Pager}} {{if or .IsOwnPhotos (.CurrentUser.HasAdminScope "social.moderator.photo")}}
{{end}} {{if .CurrentUser.HasAdminScope "admin.changelog"}} {{end}}
{{template "mark-explicit-modal" .}} {{end}}