{{define "title"}}People{{end}} {{define "content"}}
{{$Root := .}}
Found {{FormatNumberCommas .Pager.Total}} user{{Pluralize64 .Pager.Total}} (page {{.Pager.Page}} of {{.Pager.Pages}}).
{{if .FriendSearch}}
Currently searching within your Friends list.
{{else if eq .Sort "distance"}}

Showing you Who's Nearby.

{{if .City}} {{if not .MyLocation.Source}}

You will need to set your own location first before you can search for other members by their location. It's only fair!


You are searching for profiles near {{.City}}.

{{end}} {{else}}

{{if eq .MyLocation.Source "geoip"}} You had set your location to update automatically by your IP address (currently {{.GeoIPInsights.Short}}). Change your location settings? {{else if eq .MyLocation.Source "gps"}} You once set your location via your device's GPS coordinates. Refresh to your current location now? {{else if eq .MyLocation.Source "pin"}} You had set your location by dropping a pin on a map. Update your location? {{else if eq .MyLocation.Source ""}} You will need to set your location first before we can sort people by distance from you. {{end}}

{{else if eq .Certified "shy"}}

Showing you Shy Accounts. These profiles may be marked as private or have no photo available to you, as all of theirs are set to 'friends-only' or 'private.'

Shy Accounts are limited in the way they can interact with our non-shy members. Learn more

{{end}} {{if .RestrictedSearchError}}

Child sexual abuse is illegal

We think that your search might be associated with child sexual abuse. Child sexual abuse or seeking sexual imagery or contact with children can lead to imprisonment and other severe personal consequences, and this abuse causes extreme harm to children and searching and viewing such material adds to that harm.

It is also against the Terms of Service of this website, and members who violate this rule will be banned. This website is actively monitored to keep on top of this stuff, and we cooperate enthusiastically with NCMEC and relevant law enforcement agencies.

This incident has been reported to the website administrator. If you are surprised to see this message and it was on accident, don't worry -- but repeated attempts to bypass this search filter by trying other related keywords will be noticed and may attract extra admin attention to your account.


Tip: you can "quote exact phrases" and -exclude words (or -"exclude phrases") from your search.

{{SimplePager .Pager}}
{{range .Users}}
{{template "avatar-64x64" .}} {{if $Root.FriendMap.Get .ID}}
{{end}} {{$LikedStats := $Root.LikedMap.Get .ID}} {{if $LikedStats.UserLikes}}

{{if ne .Status "active"}} {{.NameOrUsername}} {{else}} {{.NameOrUsername}} {{end}} {{if eq .Visibility "private"}} {{end}}

{{.Username}} {{if not .Certified}} Not Certified! {{else if $Root.ShyMap.Get .ID}} Shy Account {{end}} {{if ne .Status "active"}}({{.Status}}){{end}} {{if .IsAdmin}} Admin {{end}} {{$Root.PhotoCountMap.Get .ID}}

{{if .GetProfileField "city"}}

{{.GetProfileField "city"}}


{{if or (ne .GetDisplayAge "n/a")}} {{.GetDisplayAge}} {{end}} {{if .GetProfileField "gender"}} {{.GetProfileField "gender"}} {{end}} {{if .GetProfileField "pronouns"}} {{.GetProfileField "pronouns"}} {{end}} {{if .GetProfileField "orientation"}} {{.GetProfileField "orientation"}} {{end}} {{if $Root.UserOnChatMap.Get .Username}}

Currently on chat!
{{end}} {{if eq $Root.Sort "last_login_at desc"}}
Last logged in: {{SincePrettyCoarse .LastLoginAt}} ago
{{end}} {{if or (eq $Root.Sort "created_at desc") (eq $Root.Sort "certification_photos.updated_at desc")}}
Member since: {{SincePrettyCoarse .CreatedAt}} ago
{{end}} {{if eq $Root.Sort "distance"}}
{{$Root.DistanceMap.Get .ID}} away

{{SimplePager .Pager}}
{{end}} {{define "scripts"}} {{end}}