{{define "title"}}Forums{{end}} {{define "content"}}

{{if .EditForum}}Edit Forum{{else}}New Forum{{end}}

{{$Root := .}}
{{if .EditForum}} {{end}}

Forum Properties


A unique URL path component for this forum. You can not modify this after the forum is created. Acceptable characters in the range a-z, 0-9 and . - _

Write a short description of the forum. Markdown formatting is supported here.

{{if .CurrentUser.HasAdminScope "admin.forum.manage"}}

Check this box if the forum is intended for explicit content. Only members who have opted-in to see explicit content can find this forum.

{{if .CurrentUser.HasAdminScope "admin.forum.manage"}}

Check this box if only privileged users are allowed to create new threads in this forum. Privileged users include the forum owner, site admins, and forum moderators.

{{end}} {{if .CurrentUser.HasAdminScope "admin.forum.manage"}}

Check this box if the forum allows photos to be uploaded (not implemented)

{{end}} {{if .CurrentUser.HasAdminScope "admin.forum.manage"}}

This forum is only visible to admins or approved subscribers.

{{if .EditForum}}
{{if .Moderators}} {{range .Moderators}} {{end}}
{{template "avatar-16x16" .}} {{.Username}}
{{end}} Appoint a moderator

You may appoint other members from the {{PrettyTitle}} community to help you moderate your forum.
