{{define "title"}}Admin - Certification Photos{{end}} {{define "content"}} {{$Root := .}}

Admin / Certification Photos

{{if .Pager}} There {{Pluralize64 .Pager.Total "is" "are"}} {{.Pager.Total}} Certification Photo{{Pluralize64 .Pager.Total}} {{if eq .View "pending"}} needing approval. {{else}} at status "{{.View}}." {{end}} {{else if .FoundUser}} Found user {{.FoundUser.Username}} ({{.FoundUser.Email}}) {{end}}
Search username or email:
{{if .Pager}} {{SimplePager .Pager}} {{end}}
{{range .Photos}}
{{$User := $Root.UserMap.Get .UserID}}
{{if .Filename}}
{{if $User.ProfilePhoto.ID}} {{else}} {{end}}



{{if eq .Status "pending"}} Pending Approval {{else if eq .Status "approved"}} Approved {{else if eq .Status "rejected"}} Rejected {{else}} {{.Status}} {{end}} {{if .SecondaryVerified}} ID Verified {{end}}
{{if .SecondaryFilename}}
Secondary Photo ID Attached
GeoIP Insights:
{{$Insights := $Root.InsightsMap.Get .IPAddress}} {{if $Insights.IsZero}} No GeoIP insights available for this IP address! {{else}} {{$Insights.Medium}} {{end}}
IP: {{.IPAddress}}
{{if .SecondaryNeeded}}
A secondary form of ID was requested from this user once before. They will always be asked for a secondary ID if they replace their cert photo in the future.
{{end}} {{define "scripts"}} {{end}}