{{define "title"}}{{.PageTitle}}{{end}} {{define "content"}}
{{if not .LoggedIn}}

The open "contact us" form is now disabled for logged-out users - we were getting way too much unsolicited spam from drive-by robots that abuse any such open contact form they can find.

If you have a {{PrettyTitle}} account, please log in to it and then you can send a nice message to the website administrators here on this page -- to give us feedback, ideas, criticism, or to report a problem with the website or one of its members.

For all outside inquiries, you can contact the website administrators via e-mail. For general questions, send to support "at" nonshy.com and for more serious stuff we also have a standard abuse@ inbox on this domain.

{{InputCSRF}} {{if eq .Subject "forum.adopt"}}

You may use this form to petition to adopt a forum. Your request will be reviewed by an admin, and if approved you will be granted ownership of that forum with the ability to manage it.

Including a message here is highly encouraged.


You may use this form to contact the site administrators to provide feedback, criticism, or to report a problem you have found on the site such as inappropriate content posted by one of our members.

{{$Subject := .Subject}}
{{if ne .Subject ""}}{{end}}
{{if ne .TableLabel ""}}


{{if not .MessageRequired}}

Write a description of the problem (optional).

{{if not .LoggedIn}}

Optional; you are not logged in to an account so you MAY leave us a reply-to email address if you would like a response to your feedback.


Do not touch this field.

Do not touch this field.
