{{define "title"}}Manage Forum Moderators{{end}} {{define "content"}}

Manage Forum Moderators

For {{.Forum.Title}} /f/{{.Forum.Fragment}}

{{if .IsRemoving}} Remove a Moderator {{else}} Appoint a Moderator {{end}}

{{if not .User}}
You may use this page to appoint a moderator to help you manage your forum. This can be anybody from the {{PrettyTitle}} community.
Moderators will be able to delete threads and replies on your forum.
As the owner of the forum, you retain full control over its settings and you alone can add or remove its moderators.
{{if .IsRemoving}} Confirm that you wish to remove moderator rights for {{.User.Username}} on your forum. {{else}} Confirm that you wish to grant {{.User.Username}} access to moderate your forum by clicking the button below. {{end}}
{{template "avatar-64x64" .User}}



{{InputCSRF}} {{if .User}} {{else}}
{{if .IsRemoving}} {{else}} {{end}}