{{define "title"}}{{.Forum.Title}}{{end}} {{define "content"}}


{{if .FeatureUserForumsEnabled}}
{{InputCSRF}} {{if .IsForumSubscribed}} {{else}} {{end}}
{{$Root := .}}
{{if or (eq .Forum.OwnerID .CurrentUser.ID) (.CurrentUser.HasAdminScope "admin.forum.manage")}} {{end}} {{if or .CurrentUser.IsAdmin (not .Forum.Privileged) (eq .Forum.OwnerID .CurrentUser.ID)}} New Thread {{end}}

Found {{.Pager.Total}} post{{Pluralize64 .Pager.Total}} on this forum (page {{.Pager.Page}} of {{.Pager.Pages}}).

{{if .Forum.Privileged}}
Only moderators may create new threads on this forum. You may be able to reply to threads here.
{{SimplePager .Pager}}
{{if not .Threads}}

There are no posts yet on this forum. {{if not .Forum.Privileged}} Why not start the first thread? {{end}}

{{end}} {{$Root := .}}
{{range .Threads}} {{$Stats := $Root.ThreadMap.Get .ID}}

{{if .Pinned}}{{end}} {{or .Title "Untitled"}}

{{TrimEllipses .Comment.Message 256}}

{{if .Pinned}} Pinned {{end}} {{if .PollID}} Poll {{end}} {{if .Explicit}} NSFW {{end}} {{if .NoReply}} No Reply {{end}} Updated {{SincePrettyCoarse .UpdatedAt}} ago


{{if $Stats}} {{$Stats.Replies}} {{else}} err {{end}}


{{if $Stats}} {{$Stats.Views}} {{else}} err {{end}}
{{SimplePager .Pager}}
Created: {{.Forum.CreatedAt.Format "Jan _2 2006"}}
{{if .Forum.Explicit}} Explicit {{end}} {{if .Forum.Privileged}} Privileged {{end}} {{if .Forum.PermitPhotos}} Photos {{end}} {{if .Forum.Private}} Private {{end}}
{{template "avatar-16x16" .Forum.Owner}} {{.Forum.Owner.Username}} (owner) {{range .ForumModerators}} {{template "avatar-16x16" .}} {{.Username}} {{end}}