{{define "title"}}Forums{{end}} {{define "content"}}

{{if .EditForum}}Edit Forum{{else}}New Forum{{end}}

{{$Root := .}}
{{if .EditForum}} {{end}}

Forum Properties


A unique URL path component for this forum. You can not modify this after the forum is created. Acceptable characters in the range a-z, 0-9 and . - _

Write a short description of the forum. Markdown formatting is supported here.

{{if .CurrentUser.HasAdminScope "admin.forum.manage"}}

Check this box if the forum is intended for explicit content. Only members who have opted-in to see explicit content can find this forum.

{{if .CurrentUser.HasAdminScope "admin.forum.manage"}}

Check this box if only privileged users are allowed to create new threads in this forum. Privileged users include the forum owner, site admins, and forum moderators.


Check this box if the forum allows photos to be uploaded.

{{if .CurrentUser.HasAdminScope "admin.forum.manage"}}

This forum is only visible to admins or approved subscribers.

{{if .EditForum}}
{{if .Moderators}} {{range .Moderators}} {{end}}
{{template "avatar-16x16" .}} {{.Username}}
{{end}} Appoint a moderator

You may appoint other members from the {{PrettyTitle}} community to help you moderate your forum.
