{{define "title"}}{{.User.Username}}{{end}} {{define "content"}}
{{if .User.ProfilePhoto.ID}} {{if and (eq .User.ProfilePhoto.Visibility "private") (not .User.UserRelationship.IsPrivateGranted)}} {{else if and (eq .User.ProfilePhoto.Visibility "friends") (not .User.UserRelationship.IsFriend)}} {{else}} {{end}} {{else}} {{end}} {{if and .LoggedIn (eq .CurrentUser.ID .User.ID) (not .IsPrivate)}} {{end}}

{{.User.NameOrUsername}} {{if eq .User.Visibility "private"}}{{end}}

{{if ne .User.Status "active"}}


{{end}} {{if or (not .LoggedIn) .IsPrivate}}

is on {{PrettyTitle}}, a social network for nudists & exhibitionists.

{{PrettyTitle}} is a new social network for real nudists and exhibitionists. Join {{.User.Username}} and the others on this site by creating an account and sending them a friend request! Please see the home page for all the details.

{{if and .LoggedIn (not .IsPrivate)}}
Member since: {{SincePrettyCoarse .User.CreatedAt}} ago
Last logged in: {{SincePrettyCoarse .User.LastLoginAt}} ago
{{if .User.Certified}}
Certified! {{if .CurrentUser.IsAdmin}} {{end}}
Not certified! {{if .CurrentUser.IsAdmin}} {{end}}
{{end}} {{if .User.IsShy}}
Shy Account
{{PrettyTitleShort}} Non-shy!
{{end}} {{if and .CurrentUser.IsInnerCircle .User.IsInnerCircle}}
{{end}} {{if .User.IsAdmin}}
{{if and .LoggedIn (not .IsExternalView)}}
{{if and (eq (.User.GetProfileField "dm_privacy") "friends") (not (eq .IsFriend "approved")) (not .CurrentUser.IsAdmin)}} {{else if and (eq (.User.GetProfileField "dm_privacy") "nobody") (not .CurrentUser.IsAdmin)}} {{else}} {{end}} {{if not .IsPrivate}} {{$Like := .LikeMap.Get .User.ID}}
{{if or (not .LoggedIn) .IsPrivate}}
{{else if .IsPrivate}}
This member's profile page is private. You may send them a friend request, and only if approved, you may then view their profile page and photo gallery.
{{or (ToMarkdown (.User.GetProfileField "about_me")) "n/a"}}
{{or (ToMarkdown (.User.GetProfileField "interests")) "n/a"}}
{{or (ToMarkdown (.User.GetProfileField "music_movies")) "n/a"}}

About {{.User.Username}}

Age: {{.User.GetDisplayAge}} {{if .CurrentUser.IsAdmin}} {{if not .User.Birthdate.IsZero}} ({{ComputeAge .User.Birthdate}}) {{else}} (n/a) {{end}} {{end}}
Gender: {{or (.User.GetProfileField "gender") "n/a"}} {{.User.GetProfileField "pronouns"}}
City: {{or (.User.GetProfileField "city") "n/a"}}
Job: {{or (.User.GetProfileField "job") "n/a"}}
Marital status: {{or (.User.GetProfileField "marital_status") "n/a"}} {{if .User.GetProfileField "relationship_type"}}({{.User.GetProfileField "relationship_type"}}){{end}}
Orientation: {{or (.User.GetProfileField "orientation") "n/a"}}
Here for: {{range Split (.User.GetProfileField "here_for") ","}}
{{if .CurrentUser.IsAdmin}} {{end}}