{{define "title"}}Sign Up{{end}} {{define "content"}}

Sign up

{{if or .SkipEmailVerification (not .SignupToken)}}

I'm glad you're thinking about joining us here!

Before we get started, I want you to confirm you've read the rules. Before you can interact with the community here, you will need to upload a face picture to your profile (it doesn't have to be a nude, but does have to show your face!) and you will need to submit a verification selfie to prove that the person in that picture is you.

The verification selfie will involve you writing a message on a sheet of paper and taking a selfie showing your face and clearly holding the sheet of paper. But we'll get to that a little later!

Site Rules


Here is what you can expect from the sign-up process:

  1. Email address: you will be emailed a link to verify control of that email inbox.
  2. Account creation: you will create a username, password, and upload a face pic for your profile page.
  3. Verification: you will take a verification selfie to prove you're the person in that profile pic.
  4. Approval: an admin will review your verification selfie and you will become a full member of this site!

Sign Up

To start the process, enter your e-mail address below. You will be sent an e-mail to verify you control that address and then you can create a username and password.

{{ InputCSRF }} {{if .SignupToken}} {{end}}
{{if or .SignupToken .SkipEmailVerification}}
Usernames are 3 to 32 characters a-z 0-9 . -

Your birthdate won't be shown to other members and is used to show your current age on your profile. Please enter your correct birthdate.
