{{define "title"}}My Dashboard{{end}} {{define "content"}}

User Dashboard

to your account

{{if or (not .CurrentUser.Certified) (not .CurrentUser.ProfilePhoto.ID)}}

Onboarding Checklist

You're almost there! Please review the following checklist items to gain full access to this website. Members are expected to have a face picture as their default Profile Pic and upload a Verification Photo to become certified as being a real person.

{{$Root := .}}


{{if gt .NavUnreadNotifications 0}} {{.NavUnreadNotifications}} unread notification{{Pluralize64 .NavUnreadNotifications}}. {{else}} No unread notifications. {{end}}
{{range .Notifications}} {{$Body := $Root.NotifMap.Get .ID}} {{end}}
{{if eq .Type "like"}} {{.AboutUser.Username}} liked your {{if eq .TableName "photos"}} {{if $Body.Photo}} photo. {{else}} photo. {{end}} {{else if eq .TableName "users"}} profile page. {{else if eq .TableName "comments"}} {{if .Link}} comment: {{else}} comment. {{end}} {{else}} {{.TableName}}. {{end}} {{else if eq .Type "comment"}} {{.AboutUser.Username}} commented on your {{if eq .TableName "photos"}} photo: {{else}} {{.TableName}}: {{end}} {{else if eq .Type "also_comment"}} {{.AboutUser.Username}} also commented on a {{if eq .TableName "photos"}} photo {{else}} {{.TableName}} {{end}} that you replied to: {{else if eq .Type "also_posted"}} {{.AboutUser.Username}} replied to a forum thread that you follow: {{else if eq .Type "friendship_approved"}} {{.AboutUser.Username}} accepted your friend request! {{else if eq .Type "private_photo"}} {{.AboutUser.Username}} has granted you access to see their private photos! {{else if eq .Type "cert_approved"}} Your certification photo was approved! {{else if eq .Type "cert_rejected"}} Your certification photo was rejected! {{else}} {{.AboutUser.Username}} {{.Type}} {{.TableName}} {{.TableID}} {{end}}
{{if .Message}}
{{ToMarkdown (TrimEllipses .Message 256)}}
{{end}} {{if $Body.Thread}} {{end}} {{if $Body.Photo}}
{{if eq .Type "comment"}} {{else}} {{or $Body.Photo.Caption "No caption."}} {{end}}
{{SincePrettyCoarse .CreatedAt}} ago
{{if $Body.PhotoID}}
{{if $Body.Photo.Caption}} {{$Body.Photo.Caption}} {{else}} No caption. {{end}}
{{if .Pager.HasNext}} {{end}}