{{define "title"}}People{{end}} {{define "content"}}
{{$Root := .}}
Found {{.Pager.Total}} user{{Pluralize64 .Pager.Total}} (page {{.Pager.Page}} of {{.Pager.Pages}}).
{{if .FriendSearch}}
Currently searching within your Friends list.
{{else if not (eq .Sort "distance")}}
New feature: you can now see Who's Nearby! {{if not .MyLocation.Source}} You will need to set your location first. {{else}} See who's nearby now! {{end}}
Showing you Who's Nearby. {{if eq .MyLocation.Source "geoip"}} You set your location automatically by your IP address (currently {{.GeoIPInsights.Short}}). Update settings? {{else if eq .MyLocation.Source "gps"}} Your location was set by your GPS location. Refresh your location now? {{else if eq .MyLocation.Source "pin"}} You set your location by pin on a map. Update your location? {{end}}
{{SimplePager .Pager}}
{{range .Users}}
{{template "avatar-64x64" .}} {{if $Root.FriendMap.Get .ID}}

{{if ne .Status "active"}} {{.NameOrUsername}} {{else}} {{.NameOrUsername}} {{end}} {{if and $Root.CurrentUser.IsInnerCircle .InnerCircle}} {{end}} {{if eq .Visibility "private"}} {{end}}

{{.Username}} {{if not .Certified}} Not Certified! {{else if $Root.ShyMap.Get .ID}} Shy Account {{end}} {{if ne .Status "active"}}({{.Status}}){{end}} {{if .IsAdmin}} Admin {{end}} {{$Root.PhotoCountMap.Get .ID}}

{{if .GetProfileField "city"}}

{{.GetProfileField "city"}}


{{if or (ne .GetDisplayAge "n/a")}} {{.GetDisplayAge}} {{end}} {{if .GetProfileField "gender"}} {{.GetProfileField "gender"}} {{end}} {{if .GetProfileField "pronouns"}} {{.GetProfileField "pronouns"}} {{end}} {{if .GetProfileField "orientation"}} {{.GetProfileField "orientation"}} {{end}} {{if $Root.UserOnChatMap.Get .Username}}

Currently on chat!
{{end}} {{if eq $Root.Sort "last_login_at desc"}}
Last logged in: {{SincePrettyCoarse .LastLoginAt}} ago
{{end}} {{if eq $Root.Sort "created_at desc"}}
Member since: {{SincePrettyCoarse .CreatedAt}} ago
{{end}} {{if eq $Root.Sort "distance"}}
{{$Root.DistanceMap.Get .ID}} away

{{SimplePager .Pager}}