{{define "title"}}Reactivate Your Account{{end}} {{define "content"}}

Your account is currently deactivated

Welcome back to {{PrettyTitle}}! You had requested to deactivate your account before, and you must make a decision as to how you want to proceed from here.

Reactivate Your Account?

If you wish to pick up where you left off, you may reactivate your account by clicking on the button below. It will be as if you never left: your profile, photo gallery, friends, messages and notifications will all be how you left them.

Reactivate My Account

Permanently Delete Your Account?

If you've decided you really don't want to have a {{PrettyTitle}} account anymore, you may click the button below to permanently delete your account instead. We will delete your profile, photos, and all the associated data we have about your account. This will be an irreversible process!

Permanently Delete My Account

Log Out

If you're not sure what to do, you may log out of your account and come back later.

Log out of my account
