{{define "title"}}Admin - Scopes & Permissions{{end}} {{define "content"}} {{$Root := .}}

Scopes & Permissions

{{if or (eq .Intent "new") (eq .Intent "edit")}}

{{if .EditGroupID}}Edit{{else}}New{{end}} Admin Group


Enter scopes one per line. Wildcards (*) may be used, as in social.moderator.*

{{range .AdminUsers}}

Select the admin user(s) who should be a part of this group.

{{if .EditGroupID}} {{end}} Cancel

Admin Scopes

The complete listing of available admin scopes on the website are as follows:

    {{range .AdminScopes}}
  • {{.}}
  • {{end}}

This page allows you to manage the nuanced permissions for admin accounts on {{PrettyTitle}}. Permissions are managed by placing admins into groups, and in turn, assigning one or more scopes to each group.

{{if .NeedSuperuserInit}}

The Superusers group was not found! Click the button below to initialize the Superusers group and add yourself to it automatically.



Admin Users

Found {{len .AdminUsers}} admin user account{{Pluralize (len .AdminUsers)}}.

{{range .AdminUsers}} {{end}}
ID Username Admin Groups Scopes
{{.ID}} {{.Username}}
    {{range .ListAdminGroups}}
  • {{.}}
  • {{end}}
    {{range .ListAdminScopes}}
  • {{.}}
  • {{end}}

Admin Groups

Found {{len .AdminGroups}} admin group{{Pluralize (len .AdminUsers)}}. Create new group.

{{range .AdminGroups}} {{end}}
ID Name Scopes Users Edit
{{.ID}} {{.Name}}
    {{range .Scopes}}
  • {{.Scope}}
  • {{end}}