{{define "title"}}Message Inbox{{end}} {{define "content"}}
{{if .ViewThread}}Conversation with {{.ReplyTo.Username}}{{else}}Inbox{{end}}
{{$SourceUser.NameOrUsername}} {{if $SourceUser.IsAdmin}} Admin {{end}}
{{$SourceUser.Username}} {{if not $SourceUser.Certified}} Not Certified! {{end}}
You have {{.Unread}} unread message{{Pluralize64 .Unread}}. Select a message on the other column to read the conversation here.
Pro Tip: Do you get a lot of thirsty, unsolicited messages from strangers and wish you could do something about that? In your Privacy Settings there is an option to limit who can slide into your DMs. You can always reach out first and start a chat with someone regardless of this setting.
{{if eq .Box "threads"}} Conversations {{else if eq .Box "inbox"}} All Inbox Messages {{else}} Sent Messages {{end}}
{{if eq $Root.Box "sent"}}
{{$User := $UserMap.Get .TargetUserID}}
Sent To
{{template "avatar-24x24" $User}}
{{$User := $UserMap.Get .SourceUserID}}
{{template "avatar-24x24" $User}}