Noah 500456c05e Recent Forum Posts
* Add a "Newest" tab to the Forums landing page to order ALL forum posts
  (comments) by most recent, paginated.
* Add a "Views" cooldown in Redis: viewing the same post multiple times
  within 1 hour doesn't ++ the view count with every page load, per user
  per thread ID.
* Update the paginators to handle unlimited numbers of pages: shows max
  7 page buttons with your current page towards the middle.
* General ability to jump to the "last page" of anything: use a negative
  page size like ?page=-1 and it acts like the last page.
2022-08-30 22:13:57 -07:00

270 lines
6.2 KiB

package models
import (
// ForumStatistics queries for forum-level statistics.
type ForumStatistics struct {
RecentThread *Thread
RecentPost *Comment // latest post on the recent thread
Threads uint64
Posts uint64
Users uint64
type ForumStatsMap map[uint64]*ForumStatistics
// MapForumStatistics looks up statistics for a set of forums.
func MapForumStatistics(forums []*Forum) ForumStatsMap {
var (
result = ForumStatsMap{}
IDs = []uint64{}
// Collect forum IDs and initialize the map.
for _, forum := range forums {
IDs = append(IDs, forum.ID)
result[forum.ID] = &ForumStatistics{}
// Gather all the statistics.
return result
// Has stats for this thread? (we should..)
func (ts ForumStatsMap) Has(threadID uint64) bool {
_, ok := ts[threadID]
return ok
// Get thread stats.
func (ts ForumStatsMap) Get(threadID uint64) *ForumStatistics {
if stats, ok := ts[threadID]; ok {
return stats
return nil
// Compute the count of threads in each of the forum 'IDs'.
func (ts ForumStatsMap) generateThreadCount(IDs []uint64) {
// Hold the result of the count/group by query.
type group struct {
ID uint64
Threads uint64
var groups = []group{}
// Count comments grouped by thread IDs.
err := DB.Table(
"forum_id AS id, count(id) AS threads",
"forum_id IN ?",
if err.Error != nil {
log.Error("MapForumStatistics: SQL error: %s", err.Error)
// Map the results in.
for _, row := range groups {
if stats, ok := ts[row.ID]; ok {
stats.Threads = row.Threads
// Compute the count of all posts in each of the forum 'IDs'.
func (ts ForumStatsMap) generatePostCount(IDs []uint64) {
type group struct {
ID uint64
Posts uint64
var groups = []group{}
err := DB.Table(
"JOIN threads ON (table_name = 'threads' AND table_id =",
"JOIN forums ON (threads.forum_id =",
" AS id, count( AS posts",
`table_name = 'threads' AND EXISTS (
FROM threads
WHERE table_id =
AND threads.forum_id IN ?
if err.Error != nil {
log.Error("SQL error collecting posts for forum: %s", err.Error)
// Map the results in.
for _, row := range groups {
if stats, ok := ts[row.ID]; ok {
stats.Posts = row.Posts
// Compute the count of all users in each of the forum 'IDs'.
func (ts ForumStatsMap) generateUserCount(IDs []uint64) {
type group struct {
ForumID uint64
Users uint64
var groups = []group{}
err := DB.Table(
"JOIN threads ON (table_name = 'threads' AND table_id =",
"JOIN forums ON (threads.forum_id =",
" AS forum_id, count(distinct(comments.user_id)) AS users",
" IN ?",
if err.Error != nil {
log.Error("SQL error collecting users for forum: %s", err.Error)
// Map the results in.
for _, row := range groups {
if stats, ok := ts[row.ForumID]; ok {
stats.Users = row.Users
// Compute the recent threads for each of the forum 'IDs'.
func (ts ForumStatsMap) generateRecentThreads(IDs []uint64) {
var threadIDs = []map[string]interface{}{}
err := DB.Table(
"forum_id, id AS thread_id, updated_at",
`updated_at = (SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM threads t2
WHERE threads.forum_id = t2.forum_id)
AND threads.forum_id IN ?`,
"updated_at desc",
if err.Error != nil {
log.Error("Getting most recent thread IDs: %s", err.Error)
// Map them easier.
var (
threadForumMap = map[uint64]uint64{}
allThreadIDs = []uint64{}
for _, row := range threadIDs {
if row["thread_id"] == nil || row["forum_id"] == nil {
var (
threadID = uint64(row["thread_id"].(int64))
forumID = uint64(row["forum_id"].(int64))
allThreadIDs = append(allThreadIDs, threadID)
threadForumMap[threadID] = forumID
// Select and map these threads in.
if threadMap, err := GetThreads(allThreadIDs); err == nil {
for threadID, thread := range threadMap {
if forumID, ok := threadForumMap[threadID]; ok {
if stats, ok := ts[forumID]; ok {
stats.RecentThread = thread
// Compute the recent post on each recent thread of each forum.
func (ts ForumStatsMap) generateRecentPosts(IDs []uint64) {
// We already have the RecentThread of each forum - map these Thread IDs to recent comments.
var (
threadIDs = []uint64{}
threadStatsMap = map[uint64]*ForumStatistics{}
for _, stats := range ts {
if stats.RecentThread != nil {
threadIDs = append(threadIDs, stats.RecentThread.ID)
threadStatsMap[stats.RecentThread.ID] = stats
// The newest posts in these threads.
type scanner struct {
ThreadID uint64
CommentID uint64
var scan []scanner
err := DB.Table(
"table_id AS thread_id, id AS comment_id",
// "forum_id, id AS thread_id, updated_at",
`table_name='threads' AND table_id IN ?
AND updated_at = (SELECT MAX(updated_at)
FROM comments c2
WHERE c2.table_name=comments.table_name
AND c2.table_id=comments.table_id
"updated_at desc",
if err.Error != nil {
log.Error("Getting most recent post IDs: %s", err.Error)
// Gather the ThreadID:CommentID map.
var (
commentIDs = []uint64{}
commentStatsMap = map[uint64]*ForumStatistics{}
for _, row := range scan {
if stats, ok := threadStatsMap[row.ThreadID]; ok {
commentStatsMap[row.CommentID] = stats
commentIDs = append(commentIDs, row.CommentID)
// Select all these comments and map them in.
if commentMap, err := GetComments(commentIDs); err == nil {
for commentId, comment := range commentMap {
if stats, ok := commentStatsMap[commentId]; ok {
stats.RecentPost = comment