
442 lines
14 KiB

package forum
import (
// NewPost view.
func NewPost() http.HandlerFunc {
tmpl := templates.Must("forum/new_post.html")
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Query params.
var (
fragment = r.FormValue("to") // forum to (new post)
toThreadID = r.FormValue("thread") // add reply to a thread ID
quoteCommentID = r.FormValue("quote") // add reply to thread while quoting a comment
editCommentID = r.FormValue("edit") // edit your comment
intent = r.FormValue("intent") // preview or submit
photoIntent = r.FormValue("photo_intent") // upload, remove photo attachment
photoID = r.FormValue("photo_id") // existing CommentPhoto ID
title = r.FormValue("title") // for new forum post only
message = r.PostFormValue("message") // comment body
isPinned = r.PostFormValue("pinned") == "true" // owners or admins only
isExplicit = r.PostFormValue("explicit") == "true" // for thread only
isNoReply = r.PostFormValue("noreply") == "true" // for thread only
isDelete = r.FormValue("delete") == "true" // delete comment (along with edit=$id)
forum *models.Forum
thread *models.Thread // if replying to a thread
comment *models.Comment // if editing a comment
// If we are modifying a comment (post) and it's the OG post of the
// thread, we show and accept the thread settings to be updated as
// well (pinned, explicit, noreply)
isOriginalComment bool
// Polls
pollOptions = []string{}
pollExpires = 3
pollMultipleChoice = r.FormValue("poll_multiple_choice") == "true"
isPoll bool
// Attached photo object.
commentPhoto *models.CommentPhoto
// Get the current user.
currentUser, err := session.CurrentUser(r)
if err != nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Couldn't get current user: %s", err)
templates.Redirect(w, "/")
// Look up the forum itself.
if found, err := models.ForumByFragment(fragment); err != nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Couldn't post to forum %s: not found.", fragment)
templates.Redirect(w, "/forum")
} else {
forum = found
// Are we manipulating a reply to an existing thread?
if len(toThreadID) > 0 {
if i, err := strconv.Atoi(toThreadID); err == nil {
if found, err := models.GetThread(uint64(i)); err != nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Couldn't find that thread ID!")
templates.Redirect(w, fmt.Sprintf("/f/%s", forum.Fragment))
} else {
thread = found
// Does the comment have an existing Photo ID?
if len(photoID) > 0 {
if i, err := strconv.Atoi(photoID); err == nil {
if found, err := models.GetCommentPhoto(uint64(i)); err != nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Couldn't find comment photo ID #%d!", i)
templates.Redirect(w, fmt.Sprintf("/f/%s", forum.Fragment))
} else {
commentPhoto = found
// Are we pre-filling the message with a quotation of an existing comment?
if len(quoteCommentID) > 0 {
if i, err := strconv.Atoi(quoteCommentID); err == nil {
if comment, err := models.GetComment(uint64(i)); err == nil {
message = markdown.Quotify(comment.Message) + "\n\n"
// Are we editing or deleting our comment?
if len(editCommentID) > 0 {
if i, err := strconv.Atoi(editCommentID); err == nil {
if found, err := models.GetComment(uint64(i)); err == nil {
comment = found
// Verify that it is indeed OUR comment.
if currentUser.ID != comment.UserID && !currentUser.IsAdmin {
templates.ForbiddenPage(w, r)
// Initialize the form w/ the content of this message.
if r.Method == http.MethodGet {
message = comment.Message
// Did this comment have a picture? Load it if so.
if photos, err := comment.GetPhotos(); err == nil && len(photos) > 0 {
commentPhoto = photos[0]
// Is this the OG thread of the post?
if thread.CommentID == comment.ID {
isOriginalComment = true
// Restore the checkbox option form values from thread settings.
if r.Method == http.MethodGet {
isPinned = thread.Pinned
isExplicit = thread.Explicit
isNoReply = thread.NoReply
// Are we DELETING this comment?
if isDelete {
// Is there a photo attachment? Remove it, too.
if commentPhoto != nil {
if err := photo.Delete(commentPhoto.Filename); err != nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Error removing the photo from disk: %s", err)
if err := commentPhoto.Delete(); err != nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Couldn't remove photo from DB: %s", err)
} else {
commentPhoto = nil
if err := thread.DeleteReply(comment); err != nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Error deleting your post: %s", err)
} else {
session.Flash(w, r, "Your post has been deleted.")
templates.Redirect(w, fmt.Sprintf("/forum/thread/%d", thread.ID))
} else {
// Comment not found - show the Forbidden page anyway.
templates.ForbiddenPage(w, r)
} else {
templates.NotFoundPage(w, r)
// Submitting the form.
if r.Method == http.MethodPost {
// Polls: parse form parameters into a neat list of answers.
pollExpires, _ = strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("poll_expires"))
var distinctPollChoices = map[string]interface{}{}
for i := 0; i < config.PollMaxAnswers; i++ {
if value := r.FormValue(fmt.Sprintf("answer%d", i)); value != "" {
pollOptions = append(pollOptions, value)
isPoll = len(pollOptions) >= 2
// Make sure every option is distinct!
if _, ok := distinctPollChoices[value]; ok {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Your poll options must all be unique! Duplicate option '%s' seen in your post!", value)
intent = "preview" // do not continue to submit
distinctPollChoices[value] = nil
// If only one poll option, warn about it.
if len(pollOptions) == 1 {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Your poll should have at least two choices.")
intent = "preview" // do not continue to submit
// Is a photo coming along?
if forum.PermitPhotos {
// Removing or replacing?
if photoIntent == "remove" || photoIntent == "replace" {
// Remove the attached photo.
if commentPhoto == nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Couldn't remove photo from post: no photo found!")
} else {
if err := commentPhoto.Delete(); err != nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Couldn't remove photo from DB: %s", err)
} else {
session.Flash(w, r, "Photo attachment %sd from this post.", photoIntent)
commentPhoto = nil
// Uploading a new picture?
if photoIntent == "upload" || photoIntent == "replace" {
log.Info("Receiving a photo upload for forum post")
// Get their file upload.
file, header, err := r.FormFile("file")
if err != nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Error receiving your file: %s", err)
templates.Redirect(w, r.URL.Path)
// Read the file contents.
log.Debug("Receiving uploaded file (%d bytes): %s", header.Size, header.Filename)
var buf bytes.Buffer
io.Copy(&buf, file)
filename, _, err := photo.UploadPhoto(photo.UploadConfig{
Extension: filepath.Ext(header.Filename),
Data: buf.Bytes(),
if err != nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Error in UploadPhoto: %s", err)
templates.Redirect(w, r.URL.Path)
// Create the PhotoComment. If we don't have a Comment ID yet, let it be empty.
ptmpl := models.CommentPhoto{
Filename: filename,
UserID: currentUser.ID,
if comment != nil {
ptmpl.CommentID = comment.ID
// Get the filesize.
if stat, err := os.Stat(photo.DiskPath(filename)); err == nil {
ptmpl.Filesize = stat.Size()
// Create it in DB!
p, err := models.CreateCommentPhoto(ptmpl)
if err != nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Couldn't create CommentPhoto in DB: %s", err)
} else {
log.Info("New photo! %+v", p)
commentPhoto = p
// Default intent is preview unless told to submit.
if intent == "submit" {
// A message OR a photo is required.
if forum.PermitPhotos && message == "" && commentPhoto == nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "A message OR photo is required for this post.")
if thread != nil {
templates.Redirect(w, fmt.Sprintf("/forum/thread/%d", thread.ID))
} else if forum != nil {
templates.Redirect(w, fmt.Sprintf("/f/%s", forum.Fragment))
} else {
templates.Redirect(w, "/forum")
} else if !forum.PermitPhotos && message == "" {
session.FlashError(w, r, "A message is required for this post.")
if thread != nil {
templates.Redirect(w, fmt.Sprintf("/forum/thread/%d", thread.ID))
} else if forum != nil {
templates.Redirect(w, fmt.Sprintf("/f/%s", forum.Fragment))
} else {
templates.Redirect(w, "/forum")
// Are we modifying an existing comment?
if comment != nil {
comment.Message = message
// Can we update the thread props?
if isOriginalComment {
thread.Pinned = isPinned
thread.Explicit = isExplicit
thread.NoReply = isNoReply
if err := thread.Save(); err != nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Couldn't save thread properties: %s", err)
if err := comment.Save(); err != nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Couldn't save comment: %s", err)
} else {
session.Flash(w, r, "Comment updated!")
templates.Redirect(w, fmt.Sprintf("/forum/thread/%d", thread.ID))
// Are we replying to an existing thread?
if thread != nil {
if reply, err := thread.Reply(currentUser, message); err != nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Couldn't add reply to thread: %s", err)
} else {
session.Flash(w, r, "Reply added to the thread!")
// If we're attaching a photo, link it to this reply CommentID.
if commentPhoto != nil {
commentPhoto.CommentID = reply.ID
if err := commentPhoto.Save(); err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't save forum reply CommentPhoto.CommentID: %s", err)
// Notify watchers about this new post.
for _, userID := range models.GetSubscribers("threads", thread.ID) {
if userID == currentUser.ID {
notif := &models.Notification{
UserID: userID,
AboutUser: *currentUser,
Type: models.NotificationAlsoPosted,
TableName: "threads",
TableID: thread.ID,
Message: message,
Link: fmt.Sprintf("/forum/thread/%d", thread.ID),
if err := models.CreateNotification(notif); err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't create thread reply notification for subscriber %d: %s", userID, err)
// Subscribe the current user to further responses on this thread.
if _, err := models.SubscribeTo(currentUser, "threads", thread.ID); err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't subscribe user %d to forum thread %d: %s", currentUser.ID, thread.ID, err)
templates.Redirect(w, fmt.Sprintf("/forum/thread/%d", thread.ID))
// Create a new thread?
if thread, err := models.CreateThread(
); err != nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Couldn't create thread: %s", err)
} else {
session.Flash(w, r, "Thread created!")
// If we're attaching a photo, link it to this CommentID.
if commentPhoto != nil {
commentPhoto.CommentID = thread.CommentID
if err := commentPhoto.Save(); err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't save forum post CommentPhoto.CommentID: %s", err)
// Are we attaching a poll to this new thread?
if isPoll {
log.Info("It's a Poll! Options: %+v", pollOptions)
poll := models.CreatePoll(pollOptions, pollExpires)
poll.MultipleChoice = pollMultipleChoice
if err := poll.Save(); err != nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Error creating poll: %s", err)
// Attach it to this thread.
thread.PollID = &poll.ID
if err := thread.Save(); err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't save PollID onto thread! %s", err)
// Subscribe the current user to responses on this thread.
if _, err := models.SubscribeTo(currentUser, "threads", thread.ID); err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't subscribe user %d to forum thread %d: %s", currentUser.ID, thread.ID, err)
templates.Redirect(w, fmt.Sprintf("/forum/thread/%d", thread.ID))
var vars = map[string]interface{}{
"Forum": forum,
"Thread": thread,
"Intent": intent,
"PostTitle": title,
"EditCommentID": editCommentID,
"EditThreadSettings": isOriginalComment,
"Message": message,
// Thread settings (for editing the original comment esp.)
"IsPinned": isPinned,
"IsExplicit": isExplicit,
"IsNoReply": isNoReply,
// Polls
"PollOptions": pollOptions,
// Attached photo.
"CommentPhoto": commentPhoto,
if err := tmpl.Execute(w, r, vars); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)