Noah 6c91c67c97 More Private User Avatars
* Users who set their Profile Picture to "friends only" or "private" can have
  their avatar be private all over the website to users who are not their
  friends or not granted access.
* Users who are not your friends see a yellow placeholder avatar, and users
  not granted access to a private Profile Pic sees a purple avatar.
* Admin users see these same placeholder avatars most places too (on search,
  forums, comments, etc.) if the user did not friend or grant the admin. But
  admins ALWAYS see it on their Profile Page directly, for ability to moderate.
* Fix marking Notifications as read: clicking the link in an unread notification
  now will wait on the ajax request to finish before allowing the redirect.
* Update the FAQ
2022-09-08 21:42:20 -07:00

272 lines
12 KiB

{{define "title"}}Newest Posts - Forums{{end}}
{{define "content"}}
<div class="block">
<section class="hero is-light is-success">
<div class="hero-body">
<h1 class="title">
<span class="icon mr-4"><i class="fa fa-comments"></i></span>
<h2 class="subtitle">
Newest Posts
{{$Root := .}}
<div class="block p-4 mb-0">
<div class="tabs is-boxed">
<a href="/forum">
<li class="is-active">
<a href="/forum/newest">
<div class="p-4">
Found {{.Pager.Total}} posts (page {{.Pager.Page}} of {{.Pager.Pages}})
<div class="p-4">
<nav class="pagination" role="navigation" aria-label="pagination">
<a class="pagination-previous{{if not .Pager.HasPrevious}} is-disabled{{end}}" title="Previous"
<a class="pagination-next{{if not .Pager.HasNext}} is-disabled{{end}}" title="Next"
href="{{.Request.URL.Path}}?page={{.Pager.Next}}">Next page</a>
<ul class="pagination-list">
{{$Root := .}}
{{range .Pager.Iter}}
<a class="pagination-link{{if .IsCurrent}} is-current{{end}}"
aria-label="Page {{.Page}}"
<div class="p-4">
{{range .RecentPosts}}
{{$User := .Thread.Comment.User}}
<div class="card block has-background-link-light">
<div class="card-content">
<div class="columns">
<div class="column is-narrow has-text-centered pt-0 pb-1">
<a href="/u/{{$User.Username}}">
{{template "avatar-96x96" $User}}
<a href="/u/{{$User.Username}}" class="is-size-7">{{$User.Username}}</a>
<div class="column py-0">
<h2 class="is-size-4 pt-0">
<a href="/forum/thread/{{.ThreadID}}" class="has-text-dark has-text-weight-bold">
{{if .Thread.Pinned}}
<sup class="has-text-success fa fa-thumbtack is-size-6 ml-1"></sup>
{{if .Thread.Explicit}}
<sup class="has-text-danger fa fa-fire is-size-6 ml-1"></sup>
{{if .Thread.NoReply}}
<sup class="has-text-warning-dark fa fa-ban is-size-6 ml-1"></sup>
<a href="/forum/thread/{{.ThreadID}}" class="has-text-dark">
{{TrimEllipses .Thread.Comment.Message 256}}
<div class="is-size-7 is-italic is-grey pt-1">
{{if eq .Comment.ID .Thread.CommentID}}new {{end}}thread by {{.Thread.Comment.User.Username}}
in <a href="/f/{{.Forum.Fragment}}">
{{if .Forum.Privileged}}
<small class="has-text-warning-dark fa fa-gavel"></small>
{{if .Forum.Explicit}}
<small class="has-text-danger fa fa-fire"></small>
{{SincePrettyCoarse .Thread.Comment.UpdatedAt}} ago
<!-- If a reply to a thread, show the reply too -->
{{if ne .Comment.ID .Thread.CommentID}}
<hr class="has-background-grey my-2">
<div class="columns is-multiline is-gapless mb-0">
<div class="column is-narrow">
<a href="/forum/thread/{{.ThreadID}}?page=-1" class="has-text-grey">
<h2 class="is-size-5 py-0 is-italic has-text-grey">
<span class="icon"><i class="fa fa-reply"></i></span>
Comment added by
<div class="column is-narrow">
<div class="columns is-gapless is-mobile">
<div class="column is-narrow mx-2">
<a href="/u/{{.Comment.User.Username}}">
{{template "avatar-32x32" .Comment.User}}
<div class="column is-narrow">
<h2 class="is-size-5 py-0">
<a href="/u/{{.Comment.User.Username}}" class="has-text-dark">{{.Comment.User.Username}}</a>
<a href="/forum/thread/{{.ThreadID}}?page=-1" class="has-text-dark">
{{TrimEllipses .Comment.Message 256}}
<div class="is-size-7 is-italic is-grey mt-1">
{{SincePrettyCoarse .Comment.UpdatedAt}} ago
{{range .Categories}}
<div class="block p-4">
<h1 class="title">{{.Category}}</h1>
{{if eq (len .Forums) 0}}
There are no forums under this category.
{{if not $Root.CurrentUser.Explicit}}Your content filters (non-explicit) may be hiding some forums.{{end}}
{{range .Forums}}
{{$Stats := $Root.ForumMap.Get .ID}}
<div class="card block has-background-primary-light">
<div class="card-content">
<div class="columns">
<div class="column is-3 pt-0 pb-1">
<h2 class="is-size-4">
<strong><a href="/f/{{.Fragment}}">{{.Title}}</a></strong>
<div class="content mb-1">
{{if .Description}}
{{ToMarkdown .Description}}
<em>No description</em>
{{if .Explicit}}
<span class="tag is-danger is-light">
<span class="icon"><i class="fa fa-fire"></i></span>
{{if .Privileged}}
<span class="tag is-warning is-light">
<span class="icon"><i class="fa fa-gavel"></i></span>
<div class="column py-1">
<div class="box has-background-success-light">
<h2 class="subtitle mb-1">Latest Post</h2>
{{if $Stats.RecentThread}}
<a href="/forum/thread/{{$Stats.RecentThread.ID}}">
<em>by {{$Stats.RecentThread.Comment.User.Username}}</em>
{{if and $Stats.RecentPost (not (eq $Stats.RecentPost.ID $Stats.RecentThread.CommentID))}}
<small>Last comment by {{$Stats.RecentPost.User.Username}}</small>
<small title="{{$Stats.RecentThread.UpdatedAt.Format "2006-01-02 15:04:05"}}">{{SincePrettyCoarse $Stats.RecentThread.UpdatedAt}} ago</small>
<em>No posts found.</em>
<div class="column is-3 py-1">
<div class="columns is-mobile is-gapless">
<div class="column has-text-centered mr-1">
<div class="box has-background-warning-light p-2">
<p class="is-size-7">Topics</p>
{{if $Stats}}
<div class="column has-text-centered mx-1">
<div class="box has-background-warning-light p-2">
<p class="is-size-7">Posts</p>
{{if $Stats}}
<div class="column has-text-centered ml-1">
<div class="box has-background-warning-light p-2">
<p class="is-size-7">Users</p>
{{if $Stats}}
{{end}}<!-- range .Categories -->