Noah Petherbridge 481bd0ae61 Deactivate Account; Friends Lists on Profiles
* Add a way for users to temporarily deactivate their accounts, in a
  recoverable way should they decide to return later.
* A deactivated account may log in but have limited options: to
  reactivate their account, permanently delete it, or log out.
* Fix several bugs around the display of comments, messages and
  forum threads for disabled, banned, or blocked users:
  * Messages (inbox and sentbox) will be hidden and the unread indicator
    will not count unread messages the user can't access.
  * Comments on photos and forum posts are hidden, and top-level threads
    on the "Newest" tab will show "[unavailable]" for their text and
  * Your historical notifications will hide users who are blocked, banned
    or disabled.
* Add a "Friends" tab to user profile pages, to see other users' friends.
  * The page is Certification Required so non-cert users can't easily
    discover any members on the site.
2023-10-22 15:02:24 -07:00

195 lines
4.8 KiB

package models
import (
// RecentPost drives the "Forums / Newest" page - carrying all forum comments
// on all threads sorted by date.
type RecentPost struct {
CommentID uint64
ThreadID uint64
ForumID uint64
UpdatedAt time.Time
Thread *Thread
Comment *Comment
Forum *Forum
// PaginateRecentPosts returns all of the comments on a forum paginated.
func PaginateRecentPosts(user *User, categories []string, pager *Pagination) ([]*RecentPost, error) {
var (
result = []*RecentPost{}
query = (&Comment{}).Preload()
blockedUserIDs = BlockedUserIDs(user)
wheres = []string{"table_name = 'threads'"}
placeholders = []interface{}{}
if len(categories) > 0 {
wheres = append(wheres, "forums.category IN ?")
placeholders = append(placeholders, categories)
// Hide explicit forum if user hasn't opted into it.
if !user.Explicit && !user.IsAdmin {
wheres = append(wheres, "forums.explicit = false")
// Circle membership.
if !user.IsInnerCircle() {
wheres = append(wheres, "forums.inner_circle is not true")
// Blocked users?
if len(blockedUserIDs) > 0 {
wheres = append(wheres, "comments.user_id NOT IN ?")
placeholders = append(placeholders, blockedUserIDs)
// Don't show comments from banned or disabled accounts.
wheres = append(wheres, `
FROM users
WHERE = comments.user_id
AND users.status = 'active'
// Get the page of recent forum comment IDs of all time.
type scanner struct {
CommentID uint64
ThreadID *uint64
ForumID *uint64
var scan []scanner
query = DB.Table("comments").Select(
` AS comment_id, AS thread_id, AS forum_id`,
"LEFT OUTER JOIN threads ON (table_name = 'threads' AND table_id =",
"LEFT OUTER JOIN forums ON (threads.forum_id =",
strings.Join(wheres, " AND "),
).Order("comments.updated_at desc")
// Get the total for the pager and scan the page of ID sets.
query = query.Offset(pager.GetOffset()).Limit(pager.PerPage).Find(&scan)
if query.Error != nil {
return nil, query.Error
// Ingest the results.
var (
commentIDs = []uint64{} // collect distinct IDs
threadIDs = []uint64{}
forumIDs = []uint64{}
seenComments = map[uint64]interface{}{} // deduplication
seenThreads = map[uint64]interface{}{}
seenForums = map[uint64]interface{}{}
mapCommentRC = map[uint64]*RecentPost{} // map commentID to result
for _, row := range scan {
// Upsert the result set.
var rp *RecentPost
if existing, ok := mapCommentRC[row.CommentID]; ok {
rp = existing
} else {
rp = &RecentPost{
CommentID: row.CommentID,
mapCommentRC[row.CommentID] = rp
result = append(result, rp)
// Got a thread ID?
if row.ThreadID != nil {
rp.ThreadID = *row.ThreadID
if _, ok := seenThreads[rp.ThreadID]; !ok {
seenThreads[rp.ThreadID] = nil
threadIDs = append(threadIDs, rp.ThreadID)
// Got a forum ID?
if row.ForumID != nil {
rp.ForumID = *row.ForumID
if _, ok := seenForums[rp.ForumID]; !ok {
seenForums[rp.ForumID] = nil
forumIDs = append(forumIDs, rp.ForumID)
// Collect distinct comment IDs.
if _, ok := seenComments[rp.CommentID]; !ok {
seenComments[rp.CommentID] = nil
commentIDs = append(commentIDs, rp.CommentID)
// Load all of the distinct comments, threads and forums.
var (
comments = map[uint64]*Comment{}
threads = map[uint64]*Thread{}
forums = map[uint64]*Forum{}
if len(commentIDs) > 0 {
comments, _ = GetComments(commentIDs)
if len(threadIDs) > 0 {
threads, _ = GetThreadsAsUser(user, threadIDs)
if len(forumIDs) > 0 {
forums, _ = GetForums(forumIDs)
// Collect comments so we can inject UserRelationships in efficiently.
var (
coms = []*Comment{}
thrs = []*Thread{}
// Merge all the objects back in.
for _, rc := range result {
if com, ok := comments[rc.CommentID]; ok {
rc.Comment = com
coms = append(coms, com)
if thr, ok := threads[rc.ThreadID]; ok {
rc.Thread = thr
thrs = append(thrs, thr)
} else {
log.Error("RecentPosts: didn't find thread ID %d in map!", rc.ThreadID)
// Create a dummy placeholder Thread (e.g.: the thread originator has been
// banned or disabled, but the thread summary is shown on the new comment view)
rc.Thread = &Thread{
Comment: Comment{
Message: "[unavailable]",
if f, ok := forums[rc.ForumID]; ok {
rc.Forum = f
// Inject user relationships into all comment users now.
SetUserRelationshipsInComments(user, coms)
SetUserRelationshipsInThreads(user, thrs)
return result, nil