Noah Petherbridge cca449090a Forum Search, User Profile Statistics
* Add a Search page to the forums to filter by user ID and find threads and
  replies matching your search terms, with "quoted phrases" and -negation
* On user profile pages, add an "Activity" box showing statistics on their
  forum threads/comments, likes given/received, photo counts, etc.
* On the "Newest" and Search page for Forums: show an indicator whenever a
  post includes an attached photo.
2024-01-06 16:44:05 -08:00

131 lines
2.6 KiB

package models_test
import (
func TestSearchPars(t *testing.T) {
var table = []struct {
Query string
Expect models.Search
Query: "hello world",
Expect: models.Search{
Includes: []string{"hello", "world"},
Excludes: []string{},
Query: "hello world -mars",
Expect: models.Search{
Includes: []string{"hello", "world"},
Excludes: []string{"mars"},
Query: `"hello world" -mars`,
Expect: models.Search{
Includes: []string{"hello world"},
Excludes: []string{"mars"},
Query: `the "quick brown" fox -jumps -"over the" lazy -dog`,
Expect: models.Search{
Includes: []string{"the", "quick brown", "fox", "lazy"},
Excludes: []string{"jumps", "over the", "dog"},
Query: `how now brown cow`,
Expect: models.Search{
Includes: []string{"how", "now", "brown", "cow"},
Excludes: []string{},
Query: `"this exact phrase"`,
Expect: models.Search{
Includes: []string{"this exact phrase"},
Excludes: []string{},
Query: `-"not this exact phrase"`,
Expect: models.Search{
Includes: []string{},
Excludes: []string{"not this exact phrase"},
Query: `something "bust"ed" -this "-way" comes `,
Expect: models.Search{
Includes: []string{"something", "bust", "ed -this"},
Excludes: []string{"way comes"},
Query: "",
Expect: models.Search{},
Query: `"`,
Expect: models.Search{},
Query: "-",
Expect: models.Search{},
Query: "-1",
Expect: models.Search{
Excludes: []string{"1"},
Query: `""`,
Expect: models.Search{},
Query: `"""`,
Expect: models.Search{},
Query: `""""`,
Expect: models.Search{},
Query: `--`,
Expect: models.Search{},
Query: `---`,
Expect: models.Search{},
Query: `"chat room" -spam -naked`,
Expect: models.Search{
Includes: []string{"chat room"},
Excludes: []string{"spam", "naked"},
Query: `yes1 yes2 -no1 -no2 -no3 yes3 -no4 -no5 yes4 -no6`,
Expect: models.Search{
Includes: []string{"yes1", "yes2", "yes3", "yes4"},
Excludes: []string{"no1", "no2", "no3", "no4", "no5", "no6"},
for i, test := range table {
actual := models.ParseSearchString(test.Query)
if !actual.Equals(test.Expect) {
t.Errorf("Test #%d failed: search string `%s` expected %s but got %s", i, test.Query, test.Expect, actual)