2024-05-29 23:20:24 -07:00

289 lines
15 KiB

{{define "title"}}Admin Dashboard{{end}}
{{define "content"}}
<div class="container">
<section class="hero is-danger is-bold">
<div class="hero-body">
<div class="container">
<h1 class="title">Admin Dashboard</h1>
<!-- Cold Storage warning -->
{{if .ColdStorageWarning}}
<div class="notification is-danger is-light mt-4">
<strong>Cold Storage Warning:</strong> {{.ColdStorageWarning}}.
<div class="block p-4">
<div class="columns">
<div class="column">
<div class="card block">
<header class="card-header has-background-link">
<p class="card-header-title has-text-light">
<i class="fa fa-peace mr-2"></i>
Admin Menu
<div class="card-content">
<aside class="menu">
<ul class="menu-list">
<a href="/admin/photo/certification">
<i class="fa fa-certificate mr-2"></i>
Certification Photos
{{if .NavCertificationPhotos}}<span class="tag is-success ml-1">{{.NavCertificationPhotos}}</span>{{end}}
<a href="/admin/feedback">
<i class="fa fa-message mr-2"></i>
Feedback &amp; User Reports
{{if .NavAdminFeedback}}<span class="tag is-danger ml-1">{{.NavAdminFeedback}}</span>{{end}}
<a href="/photo/gallery?admin_view=true">
<i class="fa fa-image mr-2"></i>
Gallery: Admin View
<a href="/admin/changelog">
<i class="fa fa-clipboard-list mr-2"></i>
Change Log Viewer
<a href="/admin/scopes">
<i class="fa fa-gavel mr-2"></i>
Admin Permissions Management
<a href="/admin/maintenance">
<i class="fa fa-wrench mr-2"></i>
Maintenance Mode
<div class="column">
<div class="card">
<header class="card-header has-background-warning">
<p class="card-header-title has-text-dark-dark">
<i class="fa fa-book mr-2"></i>
Admin Guidelines
<div class="card-content content">
<strong>Table of contents:</strong>
<li><a href="#role">What is my role as an admin?</a></li>
<li><a href="#privacy">Respect the privacy of our users</a></li>
<li><a href="#moderate">What we moderate</a></li>
<li><a href="#impersonate">Impersonating users</a></li>
<li><a href="#chat">Chat room commands</a></li>
<h2 id="role">What is my role as an admin?</h2>
Please see <a href="/admin/transparency/{{.CurrentUser.Username}}">your Admin Transparency page</a> to
review the list of permissions and roles you are capable of. Then, review the relevant sections
below for some guidelines and information relating to that role.
<h2 id="privacy">Respect the privacy of our users</h2>
We do not snoop on our users' Direct Messages unless they <strong>report</strong> a conversation
for us to check out. The only way to access DMs is to <a href="#impersonate">impersonate</a> a
user, which can't be done in secret.
We treat the Certification Photos as sensitive information. Go there only when a certification
photo is pending approval (green notification badges will guide the way). Do not download or leak
these images; be respectful.
<h2 id="moderate">What we moderate</h2>
Admin users are only expected to help moderate the following areas of the site:
<h3>1. User photo galleries</h3>
Every picture uploaded to a user's profile page can be seen by (some) admin users. The
<a href="/photo/gallery?admin_view=true">admin gallery view</a> can find <strong>all</strong>
user photos, whether private or friends-only, whether opted-in for the Site Gallery or not.
<strong>Notice:</strong> the website will not allow you to accidentally "like" a photo
that you should not have been able to see. "Like" buttons are hidden during the admin view
of the Site Gallery, but in case you click it on their profile page, the website will display
an error message "You aren't allowed to like that photo" so the user isn't alarmed.
<h3>2. The Forums</h3>
Keep up with the <a href="/forum/newest">newest</a> forum posts and generally make sure
people aren't fighting or uploading inappropriate photos to one of the few photo boards.
<h3>3. The Chat Room</h3>
If you are moderating the chat rooms, your main responsibilities are to:
Ensure that people mark their webcams as 'Explicit' / red if they are jerking off
or being sexual. Use the <a href="#chat">/nsfw command</a> to set their camera to
The first action is to mark their camera red for them - sometimes people just
If the user fights you and removes the 'explicit' flag on their camera, you
may send them a verbal warning or kick them from the room. Please wait until
they have fought your flag at least <strong>two</strong> times: sometimes users
are confused by the wording of the "your cam was marked explicit" message and
accidentally un-mark their camera.
If users are being difficult and insisting on keeping an explicit camera blue,
kicking or banning them from the room is OK.
Ensure that people are behaving themselves: not spamming or breaking the rules
by posting explicit photos in non-explicit channels. As above: a gentle warning is
often the first step before you kick or ban problematic people.
<h3>4. Reported DMs only</h3>
If a user reports a Direct Message conversation
they're having, a link to view that chat thread will be available from the report.
This will <a href="#impersonate">impersonate</a> the reporter and will be logged
- see "Impersonating users," below.
DMs are text-based only, so users won't be sending any image attachments that need
moderating and their privacy is to be respected. A user may report a problematic
conversation for us to take a look at.
<h2 id="impersonate">Impersonating users</h2>
From a user's profile page you can "impersonate," or log in as them. You should almost
never need to do this, and only to diagnose a reported issue from their account or
something like that.
You will need to write a <strong>reason</strong> for impersonating a user. The event is
logged and will be e-mailed to the admin team along with your reason. The admin team is
alerted any time an Impersonate action is performed.
Note: when you impersonate, their "Last logged in at" time is not updated by your actions.
So if a user were last seen a month ago, they will still appear last seen a month ago.
But other interactions you make as their account (e.g. marking notifications read, reading
their unread DMs) will work and may be noticed.
<h2 id="chat">Chat room commands</h2>
If you are moderating the chat room, these are useful commands to know. You can type
these commands into the message box on the room.
<dd>Shows a reminder in chat about the available operator commands.</dd>
<dt><strong>/nsfw <span class="has-text-info">username</span></strong></dt>
<dd>Mark a user's webcam as 'explicit' on their behalf (turning it from a blue cam into a red cam).</dd>
<dt><strong>/kick <span class="has-text-info">username</span></strong></dt>
<dd>Kick a user from the chat room. They will be able to log back in.</dd>
<dt><strong>/ban <span class="has-text-info">username</span></strong></dt>
<dd>Temporarily ban the user from the chat room for 24 hours (by default).</dd>
<dt><strong>/ban <span class="has-text-info">username</span> <span class="has-text-warning">hours</span></strong></dt>
<dd>Provide a number of hours to set a different ban duration than the default (see examples below).</dd>
<dd>Get a list of currently active chat room bans.</dd>
<dt><strong>/unban <span class="has-text-info">username</span></strong></dt>
<dd>Immediately remove the ban flag on this username.</dd>
<strong class="has-text-danger">Important:</strong>
The <code>/help</code> command lists some additional options that you generally should
never need to use. Be <strong>very</strong> careful not to issue commands like shutdown
which will reboot the chat server, as this can be very disruptive to our members.
Generally, as a volunteer chat moderator you will only be using the /nsfw, /kick and /ban
commands as needed.
<li>/kick {{.CurrentUser.Username}}</li>
<li>/ban {{.CurrentUser.Username}}</li>
<li>/ban {{.CurrentUser.Username}} 12</li>
Note: the @ symbol should NOT appear in front of the username, the chat server currently
won't recognize the user. If you use the @ mention auto-complete, be sure to remove the @
symbol before sending the command. This is a bug that will probably be fixed soon.