Noah Petherbridge b7bee75e1f Function to re-sign photo URLs on profile pages
* With the new JWT signatures on photo URLs, it was no longer possible for
  creative users to embed their gallery photos on their profile page.
* Add a function to ReSignPhotoLinks that finds/replaces (on the server side)
  all references to paths under "/static/photos/" and gives them a fresh
  ?jwt= query string signature.
* Note: only applies to the profile page essays, ReSignPhotoLinks is a
  template func that must be opted-in on a per page basis.

Other miscellaneous fixes

* Add "Edit" buttons in the corners of profile cards, when the current user
  looks at their profile page. They link to URIs like
  "/settings#profile/about_me" which will now:
  1. Select the "Profile settings" tab like #profile
  2. Scroll and focus the profile essay field that the user clicked to edit.
2024-10-13 19:50:11 -07:00

198 lines
6.5 KiB

// Package config holds some (mostly static) configuration for the app.
package config
import (
// Branding
const (
Title = "nonshy"
Subtitle = "A social network for nudists and exhibitionists."
// Paths and layouts
const (
TemplatePath = "./web/templates"
StaticPath = "./web/static"
SettingsPath = "./settings.json"
// Web path where photos are kept. Photos in DB store only their filenames, this
// is the base URL that goes in front. TODO: support setting a CDN URL prefix.
JpegQuality = 90
PhotoWebPath = "/static/photos"
PhotoDiskPath = "./web/static/photos"
// PhotoURLRegexp describes an image path under "/static/photos" that can be parsed from Markdown or HTML input.
// It is used by e.g. the ReSignURLs function - if you move image URLs to a CDN this may need updating.
var PhotoURLRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?:['"])(/static/photos/[^'"\s?]+(?:\?[^'"\s]*)?)(?:['"]|[^'"\s]*)`)
// Security
const (
BcryptCost = 14
SessionCookieName = "session_id"
CSRFCookieName = "xsrf_token"
CSRFInputName = "_csrf" // html input name
SessionCookieMaxAge = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30
SessionRedisKeyFormat = "session/%s"
MaxBodySize = 1024 * 1024 * 8 // max upload file (e.g., 8 MB gifs)
MultipartMaxMemory = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 20 // 20 MB
TwoFactorBackupCodeCount = 12
TwoFactorBackupCodeLength = 8 // characters a-z0-9
// Signed URLs for static photo authentication.
SignedPhotoJWTExpires = 30 * time.Second // Regular, per-user, short window
SignedPublicAvatarJWTExpires = 7 * 24 * time.Hour // Widely public, e.g. chat room
SignedPublicAvatarUsername = "@" // JWT 'username' for widely public JWT
// Authentication
const (
// Skip the email verification step. The signup page will directly ask for
// email+username+password rather than only email and needing verification.
SkipEmailVerification = false
SignupTokenRedisKey = "signup-token/%s"
ResetPasswordRedisKey = "reset-password/%s"
ChangeEmailRedisKey = "change-email/%s"
SignupTokenExpires = 24 * time.Hour // used for all tokens so far
// How to rate limit same types of emails being delivered, e.g.
// signups, cert approvals (double post), etc.
EmailDebounceDefault = 24 * time.Hour // default debounce per type of email
EmailDebounceResetPassword = 4 * time.Hour // "forgot password" emails debounce
// Rate limits
RateLimitRedisKey = "rate-limit/%s/%s" // namespace, id
LoginRateLimitWindow = 1 * time.Hour
LoginRateLimit = 10 // 10 failed login attempts = locked for full hour
LoginRateLimitCooldownAt = 3 // 3 failed attempts = start throttling
LoginRateLimitCooldown = 30 * time.Second
// Contact form rate limits for logged-out users to curb spam robots:
// - One message can be submitted every 2 minutes
// - If they post 10 minutes in an hour they are paused for one hour.
ContactRateLimitWindow = 1 * time.Hour
ContactRateLimit = 10
ContactRateLimitCooldownAt = 1
ContactRateLimitCooldown = 2 * time.Minute
// "Mark Explicit" rate limit to curb a mischievous user just bulk marking the
// whole gallery as explicit.
MarkExplicitRateLimitWindow = 1 * time.Hour
MarkExplicitRateLimit = 20 // 10 failed MarkExplicit attempts = locked for full hour
MarkExplicitRateLimitCooldownAt = 10 // 10 photos in an hour, start throttling.
MarkExplicitRateLimitCooldown = time.Minute
// How frequently to refresh LastLoginAt since sessions are long-lived.
LastLoginAtCooldown = time.Hour
// Chat room status refresh interval.
ChatStatusRefreshInterval = 30 * time.Second
// Cache TTL for the demographics page.
DemographicsCacheTTL = time.Hour
var (
UsernameRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z0-9_.-]{3,32}$`)
ReservedUsernames = []string{
// Photo Galleries
const (
MaxPhotoWidth = 1280
ProfilePhotoWidth = 512
AltTextMaxLength = 5000
// Quotas for uploaded photos.
PhotoQuotaUncertified = 6
PhotoQuotaCertified = 100
// Rate limit for too many Site Gallery pictures.
// Some users sign up and immediately max out their gallery and spam
// the Site Gallery page. These limits can ensure only a few Site Gallery
// pictures can be posted per day.
SiteGalleryRateLimitMax = 5
SiteGalleryRateLimitInterval = 24 * time.Hour
// Only ++ the Views count per user per photo within a small
// window of time - if a user keeps reloading the same photo
// rapidly it does not increment the view counter more.
PhotoViewDebounceRedisKey = "debounce-view/user=%d/photoid=%d"
PhotoViewDebounceCooldown = 1 * time.Hour
// Forum settings
const (
// Only ++ the Views count per user per thread within a small
// window of time - if a user keeps reloading the same thread
// rapidly it does not increment the view counter more.
ThreadViewDebounceRedisKey = "debounce-view/user=%d/thr=%d"
ThreadViewDebounceCooldown = 1 * time.Hour
// Enable user-owned forums (feature flag)
UserForumsEnabled = true
// User-Owned Forums: Quota settings for how many forums a user can own.
var (
// They get one forum after they've been Certified for 45 days.
UserForumQuotaCertLifetimeDays = time.Hour * 24 * 45
// Schedule for gaining additional quota for a number of comments written
// on any forum thread. The user must have the sum of all of these post
// counts to gain one forum per level.
UserForumQuotaCommentCountSchedule = []int64{
10, // Get a forum after your first 10 posts.
20, // Get a 2nd forum after 20 additional posts (30 total)
30, // 30 more posts (60 total)
60, // 60 more posts (120 total)
80, // 80 more posts (200 total)
100, // and then one new forum for every 100 additional posts
// Poll settings
var (
// Max number of responses to accept for a poll (how many form
// values the app will read in). NOTE: also enforced in frontend
// UX in new_post.html, update there if you change this.
PollMaxAnswers = 100
// Poll color CSS classes (Bulma). Plugged in to templates like:
// <progress class="$CLASS">
// Values will wrap around for long polls.
PollProgressBarClasses = []string{
"progress is-success",
"progress is-link",
"progress is-warning",
"progress is-danger",
"progress is-primary",
"progress is-info",
// Variables set by main.go to make them readily available.
var (
RuntimeVersion string
RuntimeBuild string
RuntimeBuildDate string
Debug bool // app is in debug mode