Noah Petherbridge 2f31d678d0 Usage Statistics and Website Demographics
Adds two new features to collect and show useful analytics.

Usage Statistics:
* Begin tracking daily active users who log in and interact with major features
  of the website each day, such as the chat room, forum and gallery.

Demographics page:
* For marketing, the home page now shows live statistics about the breakdown of
  content (explicit vs. non-explicit) on the site, and the /insights page gives
  a lot more data in detail.
* Show the percent split in photo gallery content and how many users opt-in or
  share explicit content on the site.
* Show high-level demographics of the members (by age range, gender, orientation)

Misc cleanup:
* Rearrange model list in data export to match the auto-create statements.
* In data exports, include the forum_memberships, push_notifications and
  usage_statistics tables.
2024-09-11 19:28:52 -07:00

124 lines
3.5 KiB

package forum
import (
// Thread view for the comment thread body of a forum post.
func Thread() http.HandlerFunc {
tmpl := templates.Must("forum/thread.html")
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Parse the path parameters
var (
idStr = r.PathValue("id")
forum *models.Forum
thread *models.Thread
if idStr == "" {
templates.NotFoundPage(w, r)
} else {
if threadID, err := strconv.Atoi(idStr); err != nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Invalid thread ID in the address bar.")
templates.Redirect(w, "/forum")
} else {
// Load the thread.
if found, err := models.GetThread(uint64(threadID)); err != nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "That thread does not exist.")
templates.Redirect(w, "/forum")
} else {
thread = found
forum = &thread.Forum
// Get the current user.
currentUser, err := session.CurrentUser(r)
if err != nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Couldn't get current user: %s", err)
templates.Redirect(w, "/")
// Is it a private forum?
if !forum.CanBeSeenBy(currentUser) {
templates.NotFoundPage(w, r)
// Can we moderate this forum? (from a user-owned forum perspective,
// e.g. can we delete threads and posts, not edit them)
var canModerate = forum.CanBeModeratedBy(currentUser)
// Ping the view count on this thread.
if err := thread.View(currentUser.ID); err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't ping view count on thread %d: %s", thread.ID, err)
// Paginate the comments on this thread.
var pager = &models.Pagination{
Page: 1,
PerPage: config.PageSizeThreadList,
Sort: "created_at asc",
comments, err := models.PaginateComments(currentUser, "threads", thread.ID, canModerate, pager)
if err != nil {
session.FlashError(w, r, "Couldn't paginate comments: %s", err)
templates.Redirect(w, "/")
// Get the like map for these comments.
commentIDs := []uint64{}
for _, com := range comments {
commentIDs = append(commentIDs, com.ID)
commentLikeMap := models.MapLikes(currentUser, "comments", commentIDs)
// Get any photo attachments for these comments.
photos, err := models.MapCommentPhotos(comments)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Couldn't MapCommentPhotos: %s", err)
// Is the current user subscribed to notifications on this thread?
_, isSubscribed := models.IsSubscribed(currentUser, "threads", thread.ID)
// Ping this user as having used the forums today.
go func() {
if err := models.LogDailyForumUser(currentUser); err != nil {
log.Error("LogDailyForumUser(%s): error logging their usage statistic: %s", currentUser.Username, err)
var vars = map[string]interface{}{
"Forum": forum,
"Thread": thread,
"Comments": comments,
"LikeMap": commentLikeMap,
"PhotoMap": photos,
"Pager": pager,
"CanModerate": canModerate,
"IsSubscribed": isSubscribed,
"IsForumSubscribed": models.IsForumSubscribed(currentUser, forum),
if err := tmpl.Execute(w, r, vars); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)