Noah Petherbridge 481bd0ae61 Deactivate Account; Friends Lists on Profiles
* Add a way for users to temporarily deactivate their accounts, in a
  recoverable way should they decide to return later.
* A deactivated account may log in but have limited options: to
  reactivate their account, permanently delete it, or log out.
* Fix several bugs around the display of comments, messages and
  forum threads for disabled, banned, or blocked users:
  * Messages (inbox and sentbox) will be hidden and the unread indicator
    will not count unread messages the user can't access.
  * Comments on photos and forum posts are hidden, and top-level threads
    on the "Newest" tab will show "[unavailable]" for their text and
  * Your historical notifications will hide users who are blocked, banned
    or disabled.
* Add a "Friends" tab to user profile pages, to see other users' friends.
  * The page is Certification Required so non-cert users can't easily
    discover any members on the site.
2023-10-22 15:02:24 -07:00

160 lines
6.7 KiB

{{define "title"}}Friends of {{.User.Username}}{{end}}
{{define "content"}}
<div class="container">
{{$Root := .}}
<section class="hero is-link is-bold">
<div class="hero-body">
<div class="container">
<h1 class="title">
<i class="fa fa-user-group mr-2"></i>
Friends of {{.User.Username}}
<div class="block p-4">
<div class="tabs is-boxed mb-0">
<a href="/u/{{.User.Username}}">
<span class="icon is-small">
<i class="fa fa-user"></i>
<a href="/photo/u/{{.User.Username}}">
<span class="icon is-small">
<i class="fa fa-image"></i>
{{if .PhotoCount}}<span class="tag is-link is-light ml-1">{{.PhotoCount}}</span>{{end}}
<a href="/notes/u/{{.User.Username}}">
<span class="icon is-small">
<i class="fa fa-pen-to-square"></i>
{{if .NoteCount}}<span class="tag is-link is-light ml-1">{{.NoteCount}}</span>{{end}}
<li class="is-active">
<a href="/friends/u/{{.User.Username}}">
<span class="icon is-small">
<i class="fa fa-user-group"></i>
{{if .FriendCount}}<span class="tag is-link is-light ml-1">{{.FriendCount}}</span>{{end}}
<div class="p-4">
<div class="block">
Found {{.Pager.Total}} friend{{Pluralize64 .Pager.Total}}
(page {{.Pager.Page}} of {{.Pager.Pages}}).
<div class="block">
{{SimplePager .Pager}}
<div class="columns is-multiline">
{{range .Friends}}
<div class="column is-half-tablet is-one-third-desktop">
<form action="/friends/add" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="username" value="{{.Username}}">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-content">
<div class="media block">
<div class="media-left">
{{template "avatar-64x64" .}}
<!-- Friendship badge -->
{{if $Root.FriendMap.Get .ID}}
<div class="has-text-centered">
<span class="is-size-7 has-text-warning-dark">
<i class="fa fa-user-group" title="Friends"></i>
<div class="media-content">
<p class="title is-4">
<a href="/u/{{.Username}}" class="has-text-dark">
{{if ne .Status "active"}}
{{if and $Root.CurrentUser.IsInnerCircle .InnerCircle}}
<img src="/static/img/circle-16.png">
{{if eq .Visibility "private"}}
<sup class="fa fa-mask is-size-7" title="Private Profile"></sup>
<p class="subtitle is-6 mb-2">
<span class="icon"><i class="fa fa-user"></i></span>
<a href="/u/{{.Username}}">{{.Username}}</a>
{{if .GetProfileField "city"}}
<p class="subtitle is-6 mb-2">
{{.GetProfileField "city"}}
<p class="subtitle is-7 mb-2">
{{if or (ne .GetDisplayAge "n/a")}}
<span class="mr-2">{{.GetDisplayAge}}</span>
{{if .GetProfileField "gender"}}
<span class="mr-2">{{.GetProfileField "gender"}}</span>
{{if .GetProfileField "pronouns"}}
<span class="mr-2">{{.GetProfileField "pronouns"}}</span>
{{if .GetProfileField "orientation"}}
<span class="mr-2">{{.GetProfileField "orientation"}}</span>
</div><!-- media-block -->
{{end}}<!-- range .Friends -->
<div class="block">
{{SimplePager .Pager}}