Noah 8085e092bc Forum Reply Enhancements + Better Pagers
* Enhance user experience replying to a forum thread. An inline reply textarea
  is added to page footers, "Quote" buttons on posts will quote the markdown
  source and focus the reply textarea, and "Reply" buttons will put an
  "@ mention" and focus the reply textarea. Users with scripts disabled will
  still be sent to the regular reply page as before.
* Improve all pagers by adding a "QueryPlus" template function that merges the
  page number with other current query parameters.
* Fix private profile picture avatars not displaying in your Notifications for
  profile pics you're allowed to see.
2022-09-10 12:09:46 -07:00

167 lines
4.2 KiB

package templates
import (
// Generics
type Number interface {
int | int64 | uint64 | float32 | float64
// TemplateFuncs available to all pages.
func TemplateFuncs(r *http.Request) template.FuncMap {
return template.FuncMap{
"InputCSRF": InputCSRF(r),
"SincePrettyCoarse": SincePrettyCoarse(),
"ComputeAge": utility.Age,
"Split": strings.Split,
"ToMarkdown": ToMarkdown,
"PhotoURL": photo.URLPath,
"Now": time.Now,
"PrettyTitle": func() template.HTML {
return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(
`<strong style="color: #0077FF">non</strong>` +
`<strong style="color: #FF77FF">shy</strong>`,
"Pluralize": Pluralize[int],
"Pluralize64": Pluralize[int64],
"PluralizeU64": Pluralize[uint64],
"Substring": Substring,
"TrimEllipses": TrimEllipses,
"IterRange": IterRange,
"SubtractInt": SubtractInt,
"UrlEncode": UrlEncode,
"QueryPlus": QueryPlus(r),
// InputCSRF returns the HTML snippet for a CSRF token hidden input field.
func InputCSRF(r *http.Request) func() template.HTML {
return func() template.HTML {
ctx := r.Context()
if token, ok := ctx.Value(session.CSRFKey).(string); ok {
return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(
`<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s">`,
} else {
return template.HTML(`[CSRF middleware error]`)
// SincePrettyCoarse formats a time.Duration in plain English. Intended for "joined 2 months ago" type
// strings - returns the coarsest level of granularity.
func SincePrettyCoarse() func(time.Time) template.HTML {
return func(since time.Time) template.HTML {
return template.HTML(utility.FormatDurationCoarse(time.Since(since)))
// ToMarkdown renders input text as Markdown.
func ToMarkdown(input string) template.HTML {
return template.HTML(markdown.Render(input))
// Pluralize text based on a quantity number. Provide up to 2 labels for the
// singular and plural cases, or the defaults are "", "s"
func Pluralize[V Number](count V, labels ...string) string {
if len(labels) < 2 {
labels = []string{"", "s"}
if count == 1 {
return labels[0]
return labels[1]
// Substring safely returns the first N characters of a string.
func Substring(value string, n int) string {
if n > len(value) {
return value
return value[:n]
// TrimEllipses is like Substring but will add an ellipses if truncated.
func TrimEllipses(value string, n int) string {
if n > len(value) {
return value
return value[:n] + "…"
// IterRange returns a list of integers useful for pagination.
func IterRange(start, n int) []int {
var result = []int{}
for i := start; i <= n; i++ {
result = append(result, i)
return result
// SubtractInt subtracts two numbers.
func SubtractInt(a, b int) int {
return a - b
// UrlEncode escapes a series of values (joined with no delimiter)
func UrlEncode(values ...interface{}) string {
var result string
for _, value := range values {
result += url.QueryEscape(fmt.Sprintf("%v", value))
return result
// QueryPlus takes the current request's query parameters and upserts them with new values.
// Use it like: {{QueryPlus "page" .NextPage}}
// Returns the query string sans the ? prefix, like "key1=value1&key2=value2"
func QueryPlus(r *http.Request) func(...interface{}) template.URL {
return func(upsert ...interface{}) template.URL {
// Get current parameters.
var params = r.Form
// Mix in the incoming fields.
for i := 0; i < len(upsert); i += 2 {
var (
key = fmt.Sprintf("%v", upsert[i])
value interface{}
if len(upsert) > i {
value = upsert[i+1]
params[key] = []string{fmt.Sprintf("%v", value)}
// Assemble and return the query string.
var parts = []string{}
for k, vs := range params {
for _, v := range vs {
parts = append(parts,
fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", url.QueryEscape(k), url.QueryEscape(v)),
return template.URL(strings.Join(parts, "&"))