Noah Petherbridge 066765d2dc Chat Moderation Rules + Shy Accounts on Chat
* Add chat moderation rules to the website, so admins can apply selective rules
  to problematic users. Available rules are:
  * redcam: user's camera is always NSFW.
  * nobroadcast: user can not broadcast their camera.
  * novideo: user can not broadcast OR watch any video.
  * noimage: user can not share OR see any shared image on chat.
* The page to manage a user's active rules is available on their admin card of
  their profile page. When the user has rules active, a yellow counter is shown
  by the link to manage their rules.
  * Only chat moderator admins have access to the page or can see the yellow
    counter to know whether rules are active.
* "Shy Accounts" are now permitted on the chat room! With some moderation rules
  automatically applied to them: novideo,noimage.
* Update the Shy Account FAQ and messaging on the chat landing page.
* Update the auto-kick from chat behavior regarding shy accounts:
  * They are kicked from chat only when an update to their profile settings will
    transition then FROM a non-shy into a shy account.
  * For example: when saving their profile settings (going private) or when
    editing or deleting a photo (if they will have no more public photos left)
2024-09-19 19:30:02 -07:00

693 lines
19 KiB

package models
import (
// Photo table.
type Photo struct {
ID uint64 `gorm:"primaryKey"`
UserID uint64 `gorm:"index"`
Filename string
CroppedFilename string // if cropped, e.g. for profile photo
Filesize int64
Caption string
AltText string
Flagged bool // photo has been reported by the community
Visibility PhotoVisibility `gorm:"index"`
Gallery bool `gorm:"index"` // photo appears in the public gallery (if public)
Explicit bool `gorm:"index"` // is an explicit photo
Pinned bool `gorm:"index"` // user pins it to the front of their gallery
CreatedAt time.Time `gorm:"index"`
UpdatedAt time.Time
// PhotoVisibility settings.
type PhotoVisibility string
const (
PhotoPublic PhotoVisibility = "public" // on profile page and/or public gallery
PhotoFriends PhotoVisibility = "friends" // only friends can see it
PhotoPrivate PhotoVisibility = "private" // private
// Special visibility in case, on User Gallery view, user applies a filter
// for friends-only picture but they are not friends with the user.
PhotoNotAvailable PhotoVisibility = "not_available"
// PhotoVisibility preset settings.
var (
PhotoVisibilityAll = []PhotoVisibility{
// Site Gallery visibility for when your friends show up in the gallery.
// Or: "Friends + Gallery" photos can appear to your friends in the Site Gallery.
PhotoVisibilityFriends = []string{
// CreatePhoto with most of the settings you want (not ID or timestamps) in the database.
func CreatePhoto(tmpl Photo) (*Photo, error) {
if tmpl.UserID == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("UserID required")
p := &Photo{
UserID: tmpl.UserID,
Filename: tmpl.Filename,
CroppedFilename: tmpl.CroppedFilename,
Filesize: tmpl.Filesize,
Caption: tmpl.Caption,
AltText: tmpl.AltText,
Visibility: tmpl.Visibility,
Gallery: tmpl.Gallery,
Pinned: tmpl.Pinned,
Explicit: tmpl.Explicit,
result := DB.Create(p)
return p, result.Error
// GetPhoto by ID.
func GetPhoto(id uint64) (*Photo, error) {
p := &Photo{}
result := DB.First(&p, id)
return p, result.Error
// GetPhotos by an array of IDs, mapped to their IDs.
func GetPhotos(IDs []uint64) (map[uint64]*Photo, error) {
var (
mp = map[uint64]*Photo{}
ps = []*Photo{}
result := DB.Model(&Photo{}).Where("id IN ?", IDs).Find(&ps)
for _, row := range ps {
mp[row.ID] = row
return mp, result.Error
// UserGallery configuration for filtering gallery pages.
type UserGallery struct {
Explicit string // "", "true", "false"
Visibility []PhotoVisibility
PaginateUserPhotos gets a page of photos belonging to a user ID.
func PaginateUserPhotos(userID uint64, conf UserGallery, pager *Pagination) ([]*Photo, error) {
var (
p = []*Photo{}
wheres = []string{}
placeholders = []interface{}{}
var explicit = []bool{}
switch conf.Explicit {
case "true":
explicit = []bool{true}
case "false":
explicit = []bool{false}
wheres = append(wheres, "user_id = ? AND visibility IN ?")
placeholders = append(placeholders, userID, conf.Visibility)
if len(explicit) > 0 {
wheres = append(wheres, "explicit = ?")
placeholders = append(placeholders, explicit[0])
query := DB.Where(
strings.Join(wheres, " AND "),
// Get the total count.
result := query.Offset(
return p, result.Error
// CountPhotos returns the total number of photos on a user's account.
func CountPhotos(userID uint64) int64 {
var count int64
result := DB.Where(
"user_id = ?",
if result.Error != nil {
log.Error("CountPhotos(%d): %s", userID, result.Error)
return count
// GetOrphanedPhotos gets all photos having no user ID associated.
func GetOrphanedPhotos() ([]*Photo, int64, error) {
var (
count int64
ps = []*Photo{}
query := DB.Model(&Photo{}).Where(`
SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE = photos.user_id
OR photos.user_id = 0
res := query.Find(&ps)
if res.Error != nil {
return nil, 0, res.Error
return ps, count, res.Error
IsSiteGalleryThrottled returns whether the user is throttled from marking additional pictures for the Site Gallery.
The thresholds are in pkg/config but the idea is a user can only upload (say) 5 Site Gallery photos within a
24 hour time span, so that new users who sign up and immediately max out their full gallery don't end up
spamming the Site Gallery for pages and pages.
If the user has too many recent Site Gallery pictures:
- Newly uploaded photos can NOT check the Gallery box.
- Editing any existing photo which is NOT in the Gallery: you can not mark the box either.
- Existing Gallery photos CAN be un-marked for the gallery, which (if it is one of the 5 recent
photos) may put the user below the threshold again.
If the user is on the Edit page for an existing photo, provide the Photo; otherwise leave it nil
if the user is uploading a new photo for the first time.
func IsSiteGalleryThrottled(user *User, editPhoto *Photo) bool {
// If the editing photo is already in the gallery, allow the user to keep or remove it.
if editPhoto != nil && editPhoto.Gallery {
return false
var count = CountRecentGalleryPhotos(user, config.SiteGalleryRateLimitInterval)
log.Debug("IsSiteGalleryThrottled(%s): they have %d recent Gallery photos", user.Username, count)
return count >= config.SiteGalleryRateLimitMax
// CountRecentGalleryPhotos returns the count of recently uploaded Site Gallery photos for a user,
// within the past 24 hours, to rate limit spammy bulk uploads that will flood the gallery.
func CountRecentGalleryPhotos(user *User, duration time.Duration) (count int64) {
result := DB.Where(
"user_id = ? AND created_at >= ? AND gallery IS TRUE",
if result.Error != nil {
log.Error("CountRecentGalleryPhotos(%d): %s", user.ID, result.Error)
// AllFriendsOnlyPhotoIDs returns the listing of all friends-only photo IDs belonging to the user(s) given.
func AllFriendsOnlyPhotoIDs(users ...*User) ([]uint64, error) {
var userIDs = []uint64{}
for _, user := range users {
userIDs = append(userIDs, user.ID)
if len(userIDs) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("no user IDs given")
var photoIDs = []uint64{}
err := DB.Table(
" AS id",
"user_id IN ? AND visibility = ?",
userIDs, PhotoFriends,
if err.Error != nil {
return photoIDs, fmt.Errorf("AllFriendsOnlyPhotoIDs(%+v): %s", userIDs, err.Error)
return photoIDs, nil
// CountPhotosICanSee returns the number of photos on an account which can be seen by the given viewer.
func CountPhotosICanSee(user *User, viewer *User) int64 {
// Visibility filters to query by.
var visibilities = []PhotoVisibility{
// Is the viewer friends with the target?
if AreFriends(user.ID, viewer.ID) {
visibilities = append(visibilities, PhotoFriends)
// Is the viewer granted private access?
if IsPrivateUnlocked(user.ID, viewer.ID) {
visibilities = append(visibilities, PhotoPrivate)
// Get the photo count now.
var count int64
result := DB.Where(
"user_id = ? AND visibility IN ?",
user.ID, visibilities,
if result.Error != nil {
log.Error("CountPhotosICanSee(%d, %d): %s", user.ID, viewer.ID, result.Error)
return count
// MapPhotoCounts returns a mapping of user ID to the CountPhotos()-equivalent result for each.
// It's used on the member directory to show photo counts on each user card.
func MapPhotoCounts(users []*User) PhotoCountMap {
var (
userIDs = []uint64{}
result = PhotoCountMap{}
for _, user := range users {
userIDs = append(userIDs, user.ID)
type group struct {
UserID uint64
PhotoCount int64
var groups = []group{}
if res := DB.Table(
"user_id, count(id) AS photo_count",
"user_id IN ? AND visibility = ?", userIDs, PhotoPublic,
).Group("user_id").Scan(&groups); res.Error != nil {
log.Error("CountPhotosForUsers: %s", res.Error)
// Map the results in.
for _, row := range groups {
result[row.UserID] = row.PhotoCount
return result
// MapPhotoCounts returns a mapping of user ID to the CountPhotosICanSee()-equivalent result for each.
// It's used on the member directory to show photo counts on each user card.
/* TODO: under construction..
func MapPhotoCounts(users []*User, viewer *User) PhotoCountMap {
var (
userIDs = []uint64{}
result = PhotoCountMap{}
wheres = []string{}
placeholders = []interface{}{}
// User ID filters for the viewer's context.
myFriendIDs = FriendIDs(viewer.ID)
myPrivateGrantedIDs = PrivateGrantedUserIDs(viewer.ID)
// Define "all photos visibilities"
var (
photosPublic = []PhotoVisibility{
photosFriends = []PhotoVisibility{
photosPrivate = []PhotoVisibility{
// Flatten the userIDs of all passed in users.
for _, user := range users {
userIDs = append(userIDs, user.ID)
// Build the where clause.
wheres = append(wheres, "user_id IN ?")
placeholders = append(placeholders, userIDs)
log.Error("FRIEND IDS: %+v", myFriendIDs)
// Filter by which photos are visible to us.
wheres = append(wheres,
"((user_id IN ? AND visibility IN ?) OR "+
"(user_id IN ? AND visibility IN ?) OR "+
"(user_id NOT IN ? AND visibility IN ?))",
placeholders = append(placeholders,
myFriendIDs, photosFriends,
myPrivateGrantedIDs, photosPrivate,
myFriendIDs, photosPublic,
type group struct {
UserID uint64
PhotoCount int64
var groups = []group{}
if res := DB.Table(
"user_id, count(id) AS photo_count",
strings.Join(wheres, " AND "),
).Group("user_id").Scan(&groups); res.Error != nil {
log.Error("CountPhotosForUsers: %s", res.Error)
// Map the results in.
for _, row := range groups {
result[row.UserID] = row.PhotoCount
return result
type PhotoCountMap map[uint64]int64
// Get a photo count for the given user ID from the map.
func (pc PhotoCountMap) Get(id uint64) int64 {
if value, ok := pc[id]; ok {
return value
return 0
// CountExplicitPhotos returns the number of explicit photos a user has (so non-explicit viewers can see some do exist)
func CountExplicitPhotos(userID uint64, visibility []PhotoVisibility) (int64, error) {
query := DB.Where(
"user_id = ? AND visibility IN ? AND explicit = ?",
var count int64
result := query.Model(&Photo{}).Count(&count)
return count, result.Error
// CountPublicPhotos returns the number of public photos on a user's page.
func CountPublicPhotos(userID uint64) int64 {
query := DB.Where(
"user_id = ? AND visibility = ?",
var count int64
result := query.Model(&Photo{}).Count(&count)
if result.Error != nil {
log.Error("CountPublicPhotos(%d): %s", userID, result.Error)
return count
// DistinctPhotoTypes returns types of photos the user has: a set of public, friends, or private.
// The result is cached on the User the first time it's queried.
func (u *User) DistinctPhotoTypes() (result map[PhotoVisibility]struct{}) {
if u.cachePhotoTypes != nil {
return u.cachePhotoTypes
result = map[PhotoVisibility]struct{}{}
var results = []*Photo{}
query := DB.Model(&Photo{}).
Select("DISTINCT photos.visibility").
Where("user_id = ?", u.ID).
if query.Error != nil {
log.Error("User.DistinctPhotoTypes(%s): %s", u.Username, query.Error)
for _, row := range results {
log.Warn("DistinctPhotoTypes(%s): got %+v", u.Username, row)
result[row.Visibility] = struct{}{}
u.cachePhotoTypes = result
// FlushCaches clears any cached attributes (such as distinct photo types) for the user.
func (u *User) FlushCaches() {
u.cachePhotoTypes = nil
u.cacheBlockedUserIDs = nil
u.cachePhotoIDs = nil
// Gallery config for the main Gallery paginator.
type Gallery struct {
Explicit string // Explicit filter
Visibility string // Visibility filter
AdminView bool // Show all images
IsShy bool // Current user is like a Shy Account (or: show self/friends and private photo grants only)
FriendsOnly bool // Only show self/friends instead of everybody's pics
MyLikes bool // Filter to photos I have liked
Uncertified bool // Filter for non-certified members only
PaginateGalleryPhotos gets a page of all public user photos for the site gallery.
Admin view returns ALL photos regardless of Gallery status.
func PaginateGalleryPhotos(user *User, conf Gallery, pager *Pagination) ([]*Photo, error) {
var (
filterExplicit = conf.Explicit
filterVisibility = conf.Visibility
adminView = conf.AdminView
friendsOnly = conf.FriendsOnly // Show only self and friends pictures
isShy = conf.IsShy // Self, friends, and private photo grants only
p = []*Photo{}
query *gorm.DB
// Get the user ID and their preferences.
userID = user.ID
explicitOK = user.Explicit // User opted-in for explicit content
blocklist = BlockedUserIDs(user)
privateUserIDs = PrivateGrantedUserIDs(userID)
privateUserIDsAreFriends = PrivateGrantedUserIDsAreFriends(user)
wheres = []string{}
placeholders = []interface{}{}
// Define "all photos visibilities"
var (
photosPublic = []PhotoVisibility{
photosFriends = []PhotoVisibility{
photosPrivate = []PhotoVisibility{
// Admins see everything on the site (only an admin user can get an admin view).
adminView = user.HasAdminScope(config.ScopePhotoModerator) && adminView
// Friend IDs subquery, used in a "WHERE user_id IN ?" clause.
friendsQuery := fmt.Sprintf(`(
SELECT target_user_id
FROM friends
WHERE source_user_id = %d
AND approved IS TRUE
)`, userID)
// What sets of User ID * Visibility filters to query under?
var (
visOrs = []string{}
visPlaceholders = []interface{}{}
// Whose photos can you see on the Site Gallery?
if isShy {
// Shy users can only see their Friends photos (public or friends visibility)
// and any Private photos to whom they were granted access.
visOrs = append(visOrs,
fmt.Sprintf("(user_id IN %s AND visibility IN ?)", friendsQuery),
"(user_id IN ? AND visibility IN ?)",
"user_id = ?",
visPlaceholders = append(visPlaceholders,
privateUserIDs, photosPrivate,
} else if friendsOnly {
// User wants to see only self and friends photos.
visOrs = append(visOrs,
fmt.Sprintf("(user_id IN %s AND visibility IN ?)", friendsQuery),
"user_id = ?",
visPlaceholders = append(visPlaceholders, photosFriends, userID)
// If their friends granted private photos, include those too.
if len(privateUserIDsAreFriends) > 0 {
visOrs = append(visOrs, "(user_id IN ? AND visibility IN ?)")
visPlaceholders = append(visPlaceholders, privateUserIDsAreFriends, photosPrivate)
} else {
// You can see friends' Friend photos but only public for non-friends.
visOrs = append(visOrs,
fmt.Sprintf("(user_id IN %s AND visibility IN ?)", friendsQuery),
"(user_id IN ? AND visibility IN ?)",
fmt.Sprintf("(user_id NOT IN %s AND visibility IN ?)", friendsQuery),
"user_id = ?",
visPlaceholders = append(placeholders,
privateUserIDs, photosPrivate,
// Join the User ID * Visibility filters into a nested "OR"
wheres = append(wheres, fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", strings.Join(visOrs, " OR ")))
placeholders = append(placeholders, visPlaceholders...)
// Gallery photos only.
wheres = append(wheres, "gallery = ?")
placeholders = append(placeholders, true)
// Filter by photos the user has liked.
if conf.MyLikes {
wheres = append(wheres, `
FROM likes
WHERE user_id = ?
AND table_name = 'photos'
AND table_id =
placeholders = append(placeholders, user.ID)
// Filter blocked users.
if len(blocklist) > 0 {
wheres = append(wheres, "user_id NOT IN ?")
placeholders = append(placeholders, blocklist)
// Non-explicit pics unless the user opted in. Allow explicit filter setting to override.
if filterExplicit != "" {
wheres = append(wheres, "explicit = ?")
placeholders = append(placeholders, filterExplicit == "true")
} else if !explicitOK {
wheres = append(wheres, "explicit = ?")
placeholders = append(placeholders, false)
// Is the user furthermore clamping the visibility filter?
if filterVisibility != "" {
wheres = append(wheres, "visibility = ?")
placeholders = append(placeholders, filterVisibility)
// Only certified (and not banned) user photos.
if conf.Uncertified {
wheres = append(wheres,
"EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE id = photos.user_id AND certified IS NOT true AND status='active')",
} else {
wheres = append(wheres,
"EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE id = photos.user_id AND certified = true AND status='active')",
// Exclude private users' photos.
wheres = append(wheres,
"NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE id = photos.user_id AND visibility = 'private')",
// Admin view: get ALL PHOTOS on the site, period.
if adminView {
query = DB
// Admin may filter too.
if filterVisibility != "" {
query = query.Where("visibility = ?", filterVisibility)
if filterExplicit != "" {
query = query.Where("explicit = ?", filterExplicit == "true")
if conf.Uncertified {
query = query.Where(
"EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE id = photos.user_id AND certified IS NOT true AND status='active')",
} else {
query = DB.Where(
strings.Join(wheres, " AND "),
query = query.Order(pager.Sort)
result := query.Offset(pager.GetOffset()).Limit(pager.PerPage).Find(&p)
return p, result.Error
// Save photo.
func (p *Photo) Save() error {
result := DB.Save(p)
return result.Error
// Delete photo.
func (p *Photo) Delete() error {
result := DB.Delete(p)
return result.Error