2023-08-30 13:30:24 -07:00

165 lines
7.5 KiB

{{define "title"}}Admin Dashboard{{end}}
{{define "content"}}
<div class="container">
<section class="hero is-danger is-bold">
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<h1 class="title">Admin Dashboard</h1>
<div class="block p-4">
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<header class="card-header has-background-warning">
<p class="card-header-title has-text-dark-dark">
<i class="fa fa-book mr-2"></i>
Admin Guidelines <span class="tag is-success ml-3">NEW!</span>
<div class="card-content content">
<h2>Respect the privacy of our users</h2>
We do not snoop on our users' Direct Messages unless they <strong>report</strong> a conversation
for us to check out. The only way to access DMs is to <a href="#impersonate">impersonate</a> a
user, which can't be done in secret.
We treat the Certification Photos as sensitive information. Go there only when a certification
photo is pending approval (red notification badges will guide the way). Do not download or leak
these images; be respectful.
<h2>What we moderate</h2>
Admin users are only expected to help moderate the following areas of the site:
<h3>1. User profile photos</h3>
Every picture uploaded to a user's profile page can be seen by admin users. The
<a href="/photo/gallery?admin_view=true">admin gallery view</a> can find <strong>all</strong>
user photos, whether private or friends-only, whether opted-in for the Site Gallery or not.
<strong>Be careful</strong> not to "Like" or comment on a picture if the user marked it
"Friends only" or "Private" and they wouldn't expect you to have been able to see it. "Like"
and "Comment" buttons are hidden in the admin gallery view to reduce accidents but they are
functional on the user's own gallery page.
<h3>2. The Forums</h3>
Keep up with the <a href="/forum/newest">newest</a> forum posts and generally make sure
people aren't fighting or uploading inappropriate photos to one of the few photo boards.
<h3>3. Reported DMs only</h3>
If a user reports a Direct Message conversation
they're having, a link to view that chat thread will be available from the report.
This will <a href="#impersonate">impersonate</a> the reporter and will be logged
- see "Impersonating users," below.
DMs are text-based only, so users won't be sending any image attachments that need
moderating and their privacy is to be respected. A user may report a problematic
conversation for us to take a look at.
<h2 id="impersonate">Impersonating users</h2>
From a user's profile page you can "impersonate," or log in as them. You should almost
never need to do this, and only to diagnose a reported issue from their account or
something like that.
You will need to write a <strong>reason</strong> for impersonating a user. The event is
logged and will be e-mailed to the admin team along with your reason. The admin team is
alerted any time an Impersonate action is performed.
Note: when you impersonate, their "Last logged in at" time is not updated by your actions.
So if a user were last seen a month ago, they will still appear last seen a month ago.
But other interactions you make as their account (e.g. marking notifications read, reading
their unread DMs) will work and may be noticed.
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<header class="card-header has-background-link">
<p class="card-header-title has-text-light">
<i class="fa fa-peace mr-2"></i>
Admin Menu
<div class="card-content">
<ul class="menu-list">
<a href="/admin/photo/certification">
<i class="fa fa-certificate mr-2"></i>
Certification Photos
{{if .NavCertificationPhotos}}<span class="tag is-danger ml-1">{{.NavCertificationPhotos}}</span>{{end}}
<a href="/admin/feedback">
<i class="fa fa-message mr-2"></i>
Feedback &amp; User Reports
{{if .NavAdminFeedback}}<span class="tag is-danger ml-1">{{.NavAdminFeedback}}</span>{{end}}
<a href="/photo/gallery?admin_view=true">
<i class="fa fa-image mr-2"></i>
Gallery: Admin View
<a href="/admin/scopes">
<i class="fa fa-gavel mr-2"></i>
Admin Permissions Management
<a href="/admin/maintenance">
<i class="fa fa-wrench mr-2"></i>
Maintenance Mode