2023-09-16 23:20:12 -07:00

186 lines
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package models
import (
// Comment table - in forum threads, on profiles or photos, etc.
type Comment struct {
ID uint64 `gorm:"primaryKey"`
TableName string `gorm:"index"`
TableID uint64 `gorm:"index"`
UserID uint64 `gorm:"index"`
User User
Message string
CreatedAt time.Time
UpdatedAt time.Time
// CommentableTables are the set of table names that allow comments (via the
// generic "/comments" URI which accepts a table_name param)
var CommentableTables = map[string]interface{}{
"photos": nil,
"threads": nil,
// Preload related tables for the forum (classmethod).
func (c *Comment) Preload() *gorm.DB {
return DB.Preload("User.ProfilePhoto")
// GetComment by ID.
func GetComment(id uint64) (*Comment, error) {
c := &Comment{}
result := c.Preload().First(&c, id)
return c, result.Error
// GetComments queries a set of comment IDs and returns them mapped.
func GetComments(IDs []uint64) (map[uint64]*Comment, error) {
var (
mt = map[uint64]*Comment{}
ts = []*Comment{}
result := (&Comment{}).Preload().Where("id IN ?", IDs).Find(&ts)
for _, row := range ts {
mt[row.ID] = row
return mt, result.Error
// AddComment about anything.
func AddComment(user *User, tableName string, tableID uint64, message string) (*Comment, error) {
c := &Comment{
TableName: tableName,
TableID: tableID,
User: *user,
Message: message,
result := DB.Create(c)
return c, result.Error
// PaginateComments provides a page of comments on something.
func PaginateComments(user *User, tableName string, tableID uint64, pager *Pagination) ([]*Comment, error) {
var (
cs = []*Comment{}
query = (&Comment{}).Preload()
blockedUserIDs = BlockedUserIDs(user.ID)
wheres = []string{}
placeholders = []interface{}{}
wheres = append(wheres, "table_name = ? AND table_id = ?")
placeholders = append(placeholders, tableName, tableID)
if len(blockedUserIDs) > 0 {
wheres = append(wheres, "user_id NOT IN ?")
placeholders = append(placeholders, blockedUserIDs)
query = query.Where(
strings.Join(wheres, " AND "),
result := query.Offset(pager.GetOffset()).Limit(pager.PerPage).Find(&cs)
// Inject user relationships into these comments' authors.
SetUserRelationshipsInComments(user, cs)
return cs, result.Error
// ListComments returns a complete set of comments without paging.
func ListComments(user *User, tableName string, tableID uint64) ([]*Comment, error) {
var (
cs []*Comment
blockedUserIDs = BlockedUserIDs(user.ID)
wheres = []string{}
placeholders = []interface{}{}
wheres = append(wheres, "table_name = ? AND table_id = ?")
placeholders = append(placeholders, tableName, tableID)
if len(blockedUserIDs) > 0 {
wheres = append(wheres, "user_id NOT IN ?")
placeholders = append(placeholders, blockedUserIDs)
result := (&Comment{}).Preload().Where(
strings.Join(wheres, " AND "),
).Order("created_at asc").Find(&cs)
return cs, result.Error
// Save a comment.
func (c *Comment) Save() error {
return DB.Save(c).Error
// Delete a comment.
func (c *Comment) Delete() error {
return DB.Delete(c).Error
// IsEdited returns if a comment was reasonably edited after it was created.
func (c *Comment) IsEdited() bool {
return c.UpdatedAt.Sub(c.CreatedAt) > 5*time.Second
type CommentCountMap map[uint64]int64
// MapCommentCounts collects total numbers of comments over a set of table IDs. Returns a
// map of table ID (uint64) to comment counts for each (int64).
func MapCommentCounts(tableName string, tableIDs []uint64) CommentCountMap {
var result = CommentCountMap{}
// Initialize the result set.
for _, id := range tableIDs {
result[id] = 0
// Hold the result of the grouped count query.
type group struct {
ID uint64
Comments int64
var groups = []group{}
// Map the counts of comments to each of these IDs.
if res := DB.Table(
"table_id AS id, count(id) AS comments",
"table_name = ? AND table_id IN ?",
tableName, tableIDs,
).Group("table_id").Scan(&groups); res.Error != nil {
log.Error("MapCommentCounts: count query: %s", res.Error)
// Map the counts back in.
for _, row := range groups {
result[row.ID] = row.Comments
return result
// Get a comment count for the given table ID from the map.
func (cc CommentCountMap) Get(id uint64) int64 {
if value, ok := cc[id]; ok {
return value
return 0